Everything Hormones CME Course
Available Now Online!
16 hours of CMEs for MDs, NPs, Nurses and PAs.
Featuring Dr. David Brownstein and Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson
With guest speaker Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP
Presented by two renowned hormone experts, this course promises to revolutionize your approach to hormone health. (Originally presented and recorded on April 26 & 27, 2024.)
You’ve likely heard these experts speak and explored their insightful articles, as well as delved into their books. Now, they have teamed up to bring you an exceptional online learning experience.
This evergreen course contains over 16 hours of power-packed content, covering everything from the efficacy and safety of hormone therapies to script writing and patient tracking. But the learning doesn’t stop there you also receive extensive bonus material and resources. (Check out the many course bonuses below!)
Work through the course at your own pace with convenient online viewing. You will have until May 2025 to claim your CMEs. (You will continue to have access to the course material after May 2025.)
After completing the course you will have the opportunity to be listed in the Everything Hormones Referral Directory available on Dr. Berkson’s website.
Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your practice and transform patient care!
Questions? Email [email protected]
CME Questions
Check with your Board
(Often there is mutual recognition of these CMEs with International CMEs. Check with your specific licensing board.)
Our CME: AMA PRA Category 1 or CUE Credit Hours
Take the next step in advancing your medical knowledge.
Enroll now and elevate your practice!
Online Course Only – $1475
Presentation Schedule
Day One
Hour One – Understanding Hormones, Genomic and Non Genomic Signaling
- Largest HRT Study Ever!
- Understanding receptor physiology
- Estrogen Receptors ER alpha, ER beta, GPER
- Endocrine disruption as a competitive inhibition of hormone signals. (In egg, sperm, placenta, mother’s milk ending up in hormonal dysfunction earlier and earlier.)
- “Receptor Physiology” as “root” hormonal functioning. Transcriptional co-factors, nutrients, and duration of hormone signals
Hour Two – Understanding the WHI & The Estrogen Science
- Estrogen’s Timeline, Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) over time. Getting the WHI (1) straight and learning about WHI (2)
- Understand hormonal controversy & hormone safety
- Progesterone vs Progestins (Medroxyprogesteron )
- Progesterone Resistance
- Ethinyl estradiol vs estradiol
- Progestins and OCPs: Breast/Stroke Risk
- EDC’s/Plastics
Hours Three & Four – Understanding Estrogen Receptors, Menopause and Peri-Menopause
- Estrogen’s Actions Via Receptors,
- Understanding estrogen metabolism,
- Role of testosterone on the Estrogen receptors & breast protection,
- Estrogen” Delivery modes – oral (“first hepatic pass”) versus topical/vaginal (“first vaginal pass”)
- Hormones & the Brain, Tracking brain health in symptoms & serum and hippocampal volume and the role of HRT
- Efficacy, Safety of Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy: 7 Million NIH Medicare Study (largest study every run on 1.5 women US women) the science and why does some science say that HRT drives cancer and dementia.
- HRT in high-risk women/hypercoagulable genetic disorders & stroke
- The Role of Estrogen and the gut wall
Hours Five & Six – The Hormone Cascade & Testosterone
- Understanding each hormone, and how they interact.
- A focus on each individual hormone, Testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol, pregnenolone, etc
- Cholesterol and statins discussion.
- Translating hormones into clinical practice
Hours Seven & Eight – Thyroid Disease
- Thyroid Disease
- Testing, Tracking prevalence
- Subclinical hypothyroidism
- Tighter serum functional ranges to avoid adverse events down-the-road (TSH, Free T3, Free T4)
Q & A Brownstein & Berkson (Recorded April 26, 2024)
Day Two
Hour Nine – Iodine In-Depth
- Iodine Deficiency (Ubiquidious bromides assaulting iodine)
- Testing, Tracking, urine testing
- Controversies and dosing in clinical practice
- Pre-natal iodine to avoid ADHD and other childhood issues
Hour 10 – Female Hormones, Scripts, Dosage and Emerging FSH Role
- Female Hormones, Introducing the role of FSH in tracking BHRT Efficacy
- Understanding the Relationship with Hippocampal Volume
- Comparison of delivery modes, bases (Versa base, Anhydrous, Oil, Creams), dosing, to cycle or not to cycle
- How to test, track levels, and write the BHRT scripts in peri and postmenopausal women
- Topical v. oral v. “first vaginal pass”
- Adequate progesterone to protect breast/endometrial stripe.
- Dose Equivalents of Estradiol Range and Outliers
Hour 11 – Endometriosis: Causes & Treatment
- Theories of endometriosis,
- Role of progesterone resistance & endocrine disruptors,
- Controversial role of estrogen receptor beta
- The treatment of endometriosis in regards to progesterone resistance & the unique application of HCG, Unique role of TGF Beta 1
- Role of Melatonin, Gluten, and Specific Protocols
Hour 12 – Male Hormones: Injectibles vs Creams, Doses, Bases
- Males Hormones
- Testing tracking, treating
- Comparison of delivery modes: injectable, topical
Hour 13 – Progesterone In-Depth
- The unknown history of Progesterone
- The unappreciated wider dose range
- The symptoms of progesterone insufficiency & Conditions that replacement helps
- Break-through bleeding issues
Hour 14 – Autoimmune Disease and the Application of Iodine
- Autoimmune Diseases Etiology & Iodine and Autoimmune
- Controversies of Iodine and Autoimmunity
- Treating Autoimmune, Hashimkoto’s, MS
Hour 15 – Global Lowering of Hormones in Younger Humans and What to Do About It
- Demonstrating lowered hormones in teens and young adults
- How to preserve fertility in males with low T
- Protocol to reboot sperm production (HCG/Fertility, Clomid)
- BHRT for young girls
Hour 16 – Case Reports: How to Apply the Science in the Clinic
- Common & Uncommon Problems, Specific Syndromes and Protocols,
- Endometrial Stripe Debate
- Pros and Cons of Pellet Insertion
- Supraphysiologic Doses
Final Q & A with Panel of All Experts (Recorded April 27, 2024)
*** Bonuses ***
Practice Specific Resources:
- Office Consent Forms
- Office Disclaimer Forms
- Rx Template – for providers and patients
- Lab Order Forms
- PCCA Bases Chart
- 7 Million NIH Medicare Estrogen Study
- 10 Million Medicare Study
Studies with Dr. Berkson’s Slide Decks
- Abstracts of 26 Breast Cancer studies giving estrogen to ER-positive Breast cancer patients
- History of peer review data linking birth control pills to inflammatory bowel disease
- Green Pregnancy graphics for you to teach the importance of reducing endocrine disruption pre-natally
eBooks by Dr. Berkson
- Estrogen Vindication — eBook
- Hormones for Breast Cancer Survivors — eBook
Bonus Guest Webinar
- Guest Presentation by James G Hrncir RPh, FAPC (presented to the Berkson Pro Level Membership) Semaglutide, Tirzepatide & How to Select a Compounding Pharmacy
Resource Links for Sharing with Patients
- Berkson Stomach Acid Challenge Protocol
- Protocol for Berkson’s Biotics Products
- Key Podcast Links
- Let’s Talk Estrogen
- Let’s Talk Iodine
- Let’s Answer Hormone Questions
Invest in your professional development today.
Click to enroll and stay ahead of the curve!
Online Course Only – $1475
Dr. David Brownstein

Dr. David Brownstein is a Board-Certified, family physician. He is one of the foremost practitioners of holistic medicine and is the Medical Director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Michigan.
Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally to physicians and others about his success in using natural hormones and nutritional therapies in his practice. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Wayne State University School of Medicine. Dr. Brownstein is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and the International College of Integrative Medicine where he is a board member.
Dr. Brownstein is proud to be a Michigan Wolverine and a lifelong U of M football enthusiast. He is the father of two beautiful physicians, Hailey and Jessica, and has been happily married to his wife, Allison, for over 30 years.
Dr. Lindsey Berkson

Lindsey Berkson, MA, DC, CNS, DACBN was a Distinguished Hormone Scholar at the Center for Bioenvironmental Research (CBR: Tulane/Xavier Universities). She is a leading figure in integrative medicine, renowned for her expertise in hormones, nutrition, digestion, and environmental science. With a background as a clinician, professor, bestselling author, and radio show host, she brings a wealth of experience to her work. At the CBR, she collaborated with pioneers in estrogen and sex-steroid receptor research. Dr. Berkson is also a respected educator, teaching MDs and pharmacists in advanced certification courses. She has developed innovative nutraceuticals, holds patents in bioidentical hormone therapy, and has contributed to groundbreaking research on dialysis/pharmaceutical medications and nutrition. Dr. Berkson consults internationally, focusing on medical nutrition for breast cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, renal problems, and complex health issues. Having done stand-up comedy she brings “Hoot” to CME education.
Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP

Carol Petersen is an accomplished compounding pharmacist with decades of experience helping patients improve their quality of life through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy and is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner. Her passion for optimizing health and commitment to compounding is evident in her involvement with organizations including the International College of Integrated Medicine and the American College of Apothecaries, the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), American Pharmacists Association and the Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding She was also the founder and first chair for the Compounding Special Interest Group with the American Pharmacists Association. She chairs the Integrated Medicine Consortium, an umbrella group for complementary medicine organizations. She co-hosts a radio program “Take Charge of Your Health” in the greater New York area. She is on the Medical Advisory Boards for the Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research (CeMCOR.ca) and the Institute for Bioidentical Medicine (IOBIM.org). She also writes and edits for A4M’s website www.worldhealth.net and is a co-producer of “Immortality Now” podcasts. She offers personal consultations at www.thewellnessbydesignproject.com.