Free Estrogen Workshop with Dr. Brownstein, Dr. Berkson, Dr Rosensweet and Dr. DeRosa

The webinar will be followed by a brief Q & A for practitioners! 

Let’s talk hormones and get it all straight.

    Estrogen has had a bad rap.
    A scary rap.
    It turns out she is breast-protective.
    As well as anti-aging.
    Join us for a one-hour FREE webinar with
    Dr. David Brownstein
    Dr. Daved Rosensweet
    Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson
    Dr. Angela DeRosa
    all talking estrogen and clinical experience.
    And accurate science!
    Thursday, February 15th, 7pm Central
    Sign up to get hormonally unconfused. Hang with hormone experts.
    Learn and be astonished at how the promotion of inaccurate science has made people fearful of estrogen, especially regarding breasts.
    Share this sign-up link with your friends and practitioners so we can save a spot for them too!
    Webinar links will be emailed to you the week before the event.