Paper presented on FODMAP diet at American College of Gastroenterology 2015 Annual Meeting to Gastroenterologist Who Mainly Believe Food Has Nothing To Do With Gut Health


I went to my “kind and smart” (but not wise) gastroenterologist and brought him a pre and post colonoscopy of a 27-yr old patient of mine that had been told she needed a total removal of her colon, stat.

After a 3-month program, including but not limited to food improvement, which also included strategic meds, she had a completely normal follow-up colonoscopy and kept her colon.

I carried over both pre and post colonoscopy reports to Austin Gastroenterologists and asked if they would be interested in sending me 10 patients to see if this was reproducible.

This patient had severe long-standing inflammatory bowel disease.

My good gut doc said that none of his partners believed food had anything to do with the gut! And even if we did get the same great results on 10 patients, the only thing even remotely possible was that they might hire a dietician, not someone like me “out of the box” (saving colons).

Yes, it’s potentially that bad out their in the medical “wild.”