
  • Ram Dass tells us that death is perfectly safe. If you had a book that could inspire comfort and healing during this trying time, this is it. Crossing the Bridge is a FULL COLOR book combining original art with poignant words. It can be read within 15 minutes. yet supplies days and weeks of comfort and healing to make this a more soulful and gentler time for everyone involved.This book is based on a true story. Berkson had a 30-year relationship with a patient who was now dying and terrified. She called Lindsey and asked for help to make this experience more beautiful for her and her husband, family and friends. The patient felt her terror was ruining the last days of her life. Lindsey wrote the first draft of this book and Fedxed it to the family. They read it the first time in 10 minutes and immediately re-read it again. From that moment on, the entire experience became peaceful, soulful, even incredulously wonderful. Crossing the Bridge transforms painful memories into inspiring ones. All families facing the loss of a loved one, all persons facing letting go, should read this short yet effective guide on passing. With more elderly people worldwide, and increasing cases of serious disease, this is a book to gift, share, and give to make suffering hurt less.
    • eBook: 58 page PDF
    • Language: English
  • Juicy Souls is a new genre of book combining FULL COLOR with haunting, healing words.It reduces years of talk therapy into a short volume of how to care and feed for our inner beings. It is a mesmerizing combination of psychological concepts and practical tools that rapidly guide us on how to feel better in body, mind, and spirit. Many of us walk around with "holes in our souls". These come from our early family situations. This ebook delivers concepts and secrets that help us make ourselves whole. Discover how we are all linked in our insanity and sanity and how we can help heal each other. Juicy Souls is a guide for healing our hearts and minds and gaining peace almost instantaneously. Be captivated by the use of art and poignant words. Come away with greater awareness of how to be a happier human being. Juicy Souls is a unique book that shares the path of the soul and how to heal ourselves. You can gift this book to your loved ones with a specialized page at the end. Read and be deeply touched.
  • The Importance and Art of Hearing Your Heart.


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