Why Is Love So Hard (eBook)

Why Is Love So Hard (eBook)


This FULL COLOR book takes years of therapy and teachings from psychology and drives them home fast and fun with haunting pictures and delicious words. It’s a must read to discover why love is so difficult for so many of us to achieve, and how to do it better. First marriages end half the time in divorce. Second marriages end 60% of the time in divorce. Third ones break up 70% of the time. If people could read and quickly grasp the relationship concepts in this book, healthier love would be easier to achieve and last longer. Be mesmerized, enchanted, and enjoy this quick read. Gift this book to a friend with a personalized page at the end. Learn the secrets of what gets in the way of embracing and keeping love in our lives.


This FULL COLOR book takes years of therapy and teachings from psychology and drives them home fast and fun with haunting pictures and delicious words. It’s a must read to discover why love is so difficult for so many of us to achieve, and how to do it better. First marriages end half the time in divorce. Second marriages end 60% of the time in divorce. Third ones break up 70% of the time. If people could read and quickly grasp the relationship concepts in this book, healthier love would be easier to achieve and last longer. Be mesmerized, enchanted, and enjoy this quick read. Gift this book to a friend with a personalized page at the end. Learn the secrets of what gets in the way of embracing and keeping love in our lives.

About The Author

Dr. Berkson has been well known in the world of integrative medicine, nutrition and health education for years. Due to her own health issues from a drug her mother was given while pregnant with her, and working in a dialysis clinic from co-inventing a drug for diabetes and dialysis patients, Dr. Berkson has seen life from both sides of the table: practitioner and patient, and has dealt with crisis in disease and transition, for decades. She has worked closely with many patients facing death. Lindsey has taught courses on dealing with crisis in health such as at the Omega Institute in Austin, TX. Lindsey has combined haunting lovely original art with words that reach and cradle our hearts instantaneously.

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