In this show you will learn how to stop your failing struggle with weight.  

Michelle Melendez’s new book, End Dieting Hell: How to find peace with your body and lose weight is not another diet book!

With over ten-years of experience as a weight loss specialist, Michelle shares insights most trainers and even bariatric doctors (weight loss docs) don’t know. 

Michelle put together a fascinating theory and been working with hundreds of women in her famous and effective Women Being Fit programs based on her new theories.

Michelle’s brand-new lose weight and keep it off program details:

  • Your cells literally get “addicted” to your weight loss struggle.
  • Your cells (fat and nervous cells) get “off” on the “sensation” of struggle: keeping you caught repeating the struggle over and over again.
  • Your subconscious is running your struggle and sabotages your efforts.
  • Michelle’s program (which she runs in the gorgeous state of Hawaii rather than the state of denial, ha!) teaches you how to retrain your fat cells and neurology to work “with” you rather than “against” you.
  • A big part of keeping weight off, is finding inner emotional “peace”.
  • In Michelle’s program and new book, you learn EXACT steps to achieve inner peace and FINALLY get your body to stop its fat struggle addiction.

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Facebook: Women Being Fit

Book: End Dieting Hell: How to find peace with your body and lose weight 

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