Belly Fat & Intermittent Fasting vs Never Skipping a Meal

When to eat, to skip meals to reduce insulin resistance, or to never skip meals. It’s a huge bog of confusing facts. In practice I have patient’s get a home glucometer and test their own blood sugar levels about one hr after meals, where the rubber meets the road for insulin functioning. Each person is different.

I see lots of folks improve their HA1Cs and blood sugars if they have intermittent fasting, such as skipping breakfast or stopping food intake earlier in the day to have longer fasting periods. They loose weight and get better sugar levels.

But some do more poorly if they skip meals.

Once again it’s the rogue idea of an individual footprint – how your body deals with sugar is unique to you. The once a year fasting glucose test your basic physical looks at is pretty wimpy and useless to really evaluate how your sugar levels do throughout the entire day.

A new animal study today says something different. What’s new.

Health news is so up and down why do we listen to anyone anymore.

This comes from a recent article in the J of Nutritional Biochemistry.

Skipping meals sets off a series of metabolic miscues that caused mice to get fatter waistlines.

In the study, mice that ate all of their food as a single meal and fasted the rest of the day developed insulin resistance in their livers — which scientists consider a telltale sign of prediabetes. When the liver doesn’t respond to insulin signals telling it to stop producing glucose, that extra sugar in the blood is stored as fat.

Fatty livers are a flashing red light you got sugar blues.

In Tulsa all our new patients have their livers ultrasounded and they are often shocked to learn they have this.
So at your next physical, or today, request a liver ultrasound and see if how you are eating is working for your unique blood sugar footprint as well as liverprint.
And there you have it.