People want to be happy. Why? Science is showing that happy people live longer and have better health. But getting your “happy on” leans on your physical, emotional and cognitive habits. 

In this show Dr. Berkson discusses:

  • How to cultivate happy.
  • Why peace is more sustainable and desirable than happy.

In this show you’ll learn what do to become more peaceful and congruent inside your body suit. Dr. Berkson’s explores the science showing that happiness and optimism effect health issues like breast cancer and high blood pressure.

Did you know there is World Happiness Report 2017, sponsored by the NIH? It names Norway the world’s happiest country while the US is way down the list. This show discusses why.

Positive emotions have such a powerful effect on your cells, there is a branch of psychology now called “Positive Psychology”. But having bad things happen to good people is part of life.

Dr. Berkson discusses how to avoid the “new age guilt” of “the law of attraction” on rhoids.

We explore the true Vitamin D = discipline.

You’ll learn why getting you “why” on, helps get your vitamin D on.

You’ll learn the effectiveness of Vitamin L = luxury, and getting your “luxury” on.

You’ll meet: “She Who Swims With The Fireman” and the power of compassion on the human spirit.

Dr. Berkson share’s personal 5 steps she’s taking to get her “happy” on this New Year, 2019.

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