endocrine disruptors

Safe Natural Contraception with Susan Caldwell, MD (#183)


Watch it on YouTube here Regular Medicine is Failing Women For many health issues from irregular periods to acne to PCOS, doctors pass out oral contraception (oral contraceptives) like M&M’s. The “pill” is good at stopping symptoms. But they do not address the “root cause” of what initiated the symptoms. And they can have downstream adverse effects as they are made up of endocrine disrupting synthetic hormones.   Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) contain synthetic hormones. These synthetic hormones can damage our own home-made hormones. The pill often contains synthetic estrogens (ethinyl estradiol) and synthetic progesterone’s (progestins).  All [...]

Safe Natural Contraception with Susan Caldwell, MD (#183)2020-08-02T11:57:00-05:00

Endocrine Disruptors with Elizabeth Guillett, PhD (#160)


This show is in honor of two amazing scientists that helped the world recognize the human threat of endocrine disrupting environmental chemicals. Dr. Elizabeth (Buzzy) A. Guillet PhD and Dr. Louis Joseph Guillet PhD—lovers, married for decades, visionaries, scientists—and amazing! Both have been Dr. Berkson’s heroes and colleagues for many years. Dr. “Buzzy” Guillett was the anthropologist who first took a look at what endocrine disruptors (environmental pollutants that mimic hormones) were doing to our children’s brains and our daughters breasts. Dr. Guillet and her husband, Dr. Lou Guillett, were instrumental in putting endocrine disruption on the scientific world’s radar. [...]

Endocrine Disruptors with Elizabeth Guillett, PhD (#160)2020-01-20T17:21:55-06:00

Is Your Daughter At Risk of Earlier Puberty and Later Breast Cancer? Reproductive Milestones (and Hormones) Are Under Assault


Mother Nature hard-wired humanity with specific milestones of reproduction. This means that for millennia the entire human race has had very specific times during specific years when women can start making babies or stop making babies. Hormones flourish and initiate or diminish and halt. This has been the hormonal dance throughout the ages. Reproductive milestones are humanity’s rhythms that have far reaching effects on entire life spans. Yet the timing of these milestones is under attack by our dirty planet and food. “Time shifting” of reproductive milestones is threatening the health and survival of the human race. Modern humans have been [...]

Is Your Daughter At Risk of Earlier Puberty and Later Breast Cancer? Reproductive Milestones (and Hormones) Are Under Assault2019-06-28T14:40:48-05:00

Guns & Anger: Is hormone disruption part of America’s problem?


American society is ill with anger and violence. Three hundred people are assaulted by guns daily, and 100 across the U.S. die from these wounds each day. The latest school massacre, in Parkland, Florida, left 17 students and staff dead. Another massacre is a call—no, a scream—for some common sense and effective solutions. Everyone wants a safer America. That’s not a controversy; it’s a consensus. Americans dying from gunshot wounds in schools, at concerts, in churches, or in movie theaters affects all of us, not just those of us who are trying to help you lead a healthy life. Health includes [...]

Guns & Anger: Is hormone disruption part of America’s problem?2019-01-30T13:20:35-06:00

10 Tips for Avoiding “Obesogens” and Keeping Weight Off


Are Non-Organic Foods, Perfumes, & Everyday Chemicals Keeping You Fat? By Dr. Lindsey Berkson Worldwide obesity is an epidemic and a conundrum for adults and children of all ages. The commonly believed causes—eating more and moving less—don’t explain the entire epidemic or why losing weight today is much more difficult to achieve than it was in the 1980s.When I practiced with Dr. Block in Tulsa, an internist who had been in practice for over 50 years, I asked him what was the most common health issue he ran into over all those years. Without skipping a beat Dr. Block scratched his bald [...]

10 Tips for Avoiding “Obesogens” and Keeping Weight Off2019-06-28T14:41:31-05:00

Everyday Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Disrupt Vitamin D Levels Plus 5 Tips for Pregnant Moms to Protect Unborn Babies


By Berkson Please share! We live in a chemical soup. Every one thing affects everything else. Is this part of the unity that spirituality discusses? Is this what the philosopher Bucky Fuller meant when he referred to our planet as “spaceship earth”, meaning all we DO and ARE affects all of mother earth and you and I who live on it? New research suggests that our chemical soup lowers blood levels of nutrients. This chemical soup especially reduces blood stream levels of your all-important vitamin D. We live in a blend of over 85,000 manufactured chemicals. Many of these are now [...]

Everyday Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Disrupt Vitamin D Levels Plus 5 Tips for Pregnant Moms to Protect Unborn Babies2019-01-23T07:47:44-06:00

Dementia – the gut, endocrine disruptors and detox


Research is showing that some causes of neurodegenerative diseases including dementia start in a good gut gone wrong. Why? The health of the gut and the brain are intimately intertwined. The cells of your gut and brain start out as the exact identical clump of developing fetal cells that divide in half and then travel forward to form the gut and cranial brains. As we move across months, years and time of our lives, each brain continues to bi-directionally influence each other’s vulnerability to wellness or loss of it. In the brain, at the tips of nerve cells (neurons) are specialized [...]

Dementia – the gut, endocrine disruptors and detox2018-08-22T18:31:21-05:00

Receptor Detox – What is Endocrine Disruption and How to Protect Your Family (#5)


We live in a toxic world, and these toxins can assault your children’s brains, your fertility and your risk of diseases like cancer, diabetes and even cognitive decline. Learn some simple measures to protect yourself and your family.

Receptor Detox – What is Endocrine Disruption and How to Protect Your Family (#5)2019-09-06T10:45:05-05:00

Wine Whine and Endocrine Disruptors? by Berkson


Many California and other state wines found to contain arsenic. Arsenic is an endocrine disruptor of the insulin receptor, contributing to insulin resistance. In this study on 65 US wines, Washington wines had the highest level of arsenic and Oregon had the lowest. This is an issue only if you drink wine regularly, but these days, that covers a lot of folks. I was a reader on a WHO paper on the new causes of the diabetes epidemic and we had a whole section on heavy metals, especially arsenic. It tends not to bioaccumulate in tissues, but daily exposure is a [...]

Wine Whine and Endocrine Disruptors? by Berkson2019-02-05T12:27:16-06:00
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