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Regular Medicine is Failing Women

For many health issues from irregular periods to acne to PCOS, doctors pass out oral contraception (oral contraceptives) like M&M’s. The “pill” is good at stopping symptoms. But they do not address the “root cause” of what initiated the symptoms. And they can have downstream adverse effects as they are made up of endocrine disrupting synthetic hormones.  

Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) contain synthetic hormones. These synthetic hormones can damage our own home-made hormones. The pill often contains synthetic estrogens (ethinyl estradiol) and synthetic progesterone’s (progestins).  All have been found to have endocrine disrupting actions.

For example, it’s clearly been shown that women on oral contraceptives have more tendency to experience anxiety, poor partner choices, more divorce, migraines, and even inflammatory bowel disease in women with genetic glitches. Much of this occurs from the endocrine disrupting action of these endocrine disruptors, or by their blockage of healthy hormone protection in various tissues, like your precious gut wall.

The driving answer becomes, what are safe alternatives?

This show discusses new ways for women to know their bodies and fertility. This knowledge can be used to enhance fertility and also to master drug-free, safe contraception.

Dr. Susan Caldwell

Dr. Susan Caldwell is a rare bird of a physician. She is double-board certified in internal medicine (the thinkers of medicine) and pediatrics (the heart of medicine). She is smart plus heart.

Dr. Caldwell was inspired by the work of Thomas W. Hilgers, MD. This work comes out of the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction and the National Center for Women’s Health in Omaha, Nebraska.

To add this work to her practice, Dr. Caldwell became a Certified Naprotechnology Medical Consultant. This form of consulting helps get to the “root” of health issues, like progesterone insufficiency which may be causing your irregular bleeding or leaky gut in PCOS patients.

Naprotechnology also gives answers for safe and natural birth control.

This dynamic, heart-felt conversation will help many women on their journey to self-awareness, natural birth control, and to ways to decrease adverse side effects of the pill, should you need to stay on it.

Guest Links

Guest Contact Information

Susan Caldwell, MD, CFCMC

East Jefferson General Hospital – Lakeview

7030 Canal Blvd, (2nd floor) New Orleans, LA 70124

office (504)503-6760      fax (504)503-6761

Additional Links and Resources

Birth Control Pill’s Shadow Side (#125)

Mammograms, birth control and body rhythms with Dr. Felice Gersh (#126)


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