Often people get a diagnosis of a disease and they are told they will have this disease for life and the only choices are medications and learning to live with the situation. But this is not necessarily so. Hormones, along with other novel therapies, including diet, may hold promising answers for improvement and possibly even remission for some individuals. Your own physician may not know about these therapies, but search around for those who work with alternative therapies such as these to at least consider other options. They are often inexpensive and have a high safety profile so you have nothing to lose but some time and money to see if they can help your situation.

No therapies help 100 % of people, but you can at least give them a try to see if they help you.

Dr. Etienne Emile Baulieu’s team in France at the University of Paris has demonstrated evidence that progesterone appears to be an effective and safe treatment for certain nerve diseases, including multiple sclerosis.

It has long been observed that progesterone is manufactured right in the central nervous system and brain. This is because progesterone helps nerves communicate with each other. Progesterone (like estrogen) helps neurotransmitters do their job delivering vital emails to nerves to help them stay healthy and continue to carry out their job descriptions. Progesterone appears to be especially protective for function and repair of nerves and nerve protective sheaths called myelin.

Baulieu’s team found that progesterone is also manufactured deep inside Schwann cells. These are found in the peripheral nervous system, the part of the nervous system that branches out from the central system. Progesterone appears to promote healthy nerve function here, especially touch and motor function which affects the ability to walk, have balance, twist open a jar, and perform many daily life tasks.

Progesterone promotes formation and even repair of myelin sheaths, the fatty substance surrounding and protecting nerve fibers. So progesterone helps nerves and the insulation around them stay well and heal when they are injured.

In MS, and in related diseases such as transverse myelitis, the loss of myelin results in breakdown of the nerve signaling system.

Progesterone + Estriol + Naltraxone

Some private physicians claim to be putting MS, and related conditions, into remission by treating with progesterone replacement, along with low dose naltraxone (an off-label use for an anti-addiction drug that promotes healthier immune functioning in some people, Google low dose naltraxone), specific dietary intervention and gut rebuilding, and sometimes the addition of a safe form of estrogen called estriol. There are some specific dos and don’ts with this regime so you have to work with someone who has experience in this method.

Hmmmm, all seems worth a try as none of this is dangerous or expensive when prescribed by a knowing doctor. Get some appointments with some physicians, or with me, to discuss your options.