Berkson’s Blogs

Wild food for wild folks? Try sautéed dandelions; delicious spring detox for the liver!


When I used to live and study with Helen and Scott Nearing—authors of over 50 books like Living the Good Life and Loving and Leaving the Good life, and writers of the preface of my second book, The Foot Book (HarperCollins 1981)—this visionary couple used to encourage eating and living off the land. Soon after living with the Nearings, I got a job teaching health education in the high schools in Vermont, where, by the way, I eventually got fired for being a pagan as I taught yogic breathing for relaxation. But one of the many good things to come out [...]

Wild food for wild folks? Try sautéed dandelions; delicious spring detox for the liver!2019-02-05T12:25:23-06:00

Is your body living in a different time zone than the one you inhabit, and is this part of your depression?


Do you often feel out of it? Depressed, isolated and like you don’t fit? Well, the ‘two-left feet cell syndrome’ may be at the epicenter of your depression. Research is showing that in some depressed persons, their cellular timing is way off. Every one of our trillions of cells has an internal clock. They don’t wear watches but they are aware of this critical metronome. Our cells are supposed to be fundamentally wired to dark and light. A healthy circadian rhythmicity is part of feeling truly well on all levels, body, mind and spirit. This being in sync with light and [...]

Is your body living in a different time zone than the one you inhabit, and is this part of your depression?2019-03-24T12:48:05-05:00

Do cell phones ruin our blood pressure and at how many calls a day?


One night I was in Australia at a restaurant next to a table filled with a group of Asian businessmen. Someone’s phone rang. All 15 of the men wearing black suits or stripped shirts leaned down under the table to check their phones in their bags. I also leaned down under the table and held my purse up to my ear to listen for a phone ring through the material. A phone continued to ring. I looked across and the gents remained in this downward doggie facing position staring right back at me, all of us still hearing the phone but [...]

Do cell phones ruin our blood pressure and at how many calls a day?2019-03-24T12:49:07-05:00

Angelina Jolie’s Decision… comments on BRCA genes and taking charge.


I cannot assume to judge anyone else’s health decisions. Angelina lived through her mother’s treatment and eventual death from ovarian cancer, and now Ms. Jolie has 6 children herself to consider. I applaud her for her pro-activity. It is just that these genetic mutations cause potential increases in risk for a wide number of cancers, and cutting out each organ at risk is not plausible. So I certainly hope that Ms. Jolie is being guided by her physicians to look at other proactive measures, such as boosting ER beta signaling which helps keep cells normal and prevents them from turning into [...]

Angelina Jolie’s Decision… comments on BRCA genes and taking charge.2018-08-08T09:36:17-05:00

What ONE TINY food acts like a medication to lower blood pressure?


Adding this food, flaxseeds, to the diet of folks with heart disease and high blood pressure (peripheral artery disease-PAD) greatly lowered blood pressure by 10 mm of HG systolic (top number) and 7 mm of HG diastolic (diastolic) after 6 months. One small group even had their blood pressure lowered more, equivalent to taking medication. “This is the largest decrease in blood pressure ever shown by any dietary intervention," said Dr Delfin Rodriguez speaking to the American Heart Association from the University Hospital Holguin, Cuba. This is yet another example of just how powerful healthy foods can be. These improvements in [...]

What ONE TINY food acts like a medication to lower blood pressure?2019-02-06T12:30:11-06:00

What can protect our smartness as we age? And doesn’t take too much effort!


I love Canadian research, especially into what keeps us smarter (and thinner). Three Montreal Institutions got together and studied a protocol that only took a short amount of time—four days a week—and got folks not only smarter, but carved out their waists and improved their insulin sensitivity. These people, granted the study was small, a pilot study, got 3 bangs for their exertion buck: they got smarter, healthier and leaner. Just by doing this 4 days a week, for 4 months. What did the study do? It did what every body in health care (in-the-know) is raving about: peak burst performance, [...]

What can protect our smartness as we age? And doesn’t take too much effort!2019-02-06T13:15:44-06:00

Which hormone and vitamin team up together in a melodic duo to protect brains and nerves, even in traumatic brain injuries or with aging?


Hormones and vitamins function (and dysfunction) together. We will see more and more of this in the future. Once again, hormones link elegantly with nutrients to offer protection and a greater chance of healthier nerve function, fewer symptoms, and of warding off disease. Researchers at Emory University have discovered that Vitamin D, along with progesterone, boost each other’s neuroprotective actions. In this new era of enlightened functional medicine, getting at the root cause of illness, not just tamping down the symptoms, and mixing vitamin and hormones, is the wave of the future. The marriage I am speaking of here is the [...]

Which hormone and vitamin team up together in a melodic duo to protect brains and nerves, even in traumatic brain injuries or with aging?2019-02-05T13:08:50-06:00

Why our beloved has to smell good to us, not just look good to us!


Our lives are dictated more by smell than we realize, but once again, as I have been writing for years, shape is also part of the issue. It now turns out that dancing is not just “with the stars,” but also “with our noses.” And a romantic partner’s shape is not only cool to look at, but also travels up our nose! I have been writing and lecturing for a long while now that the essential, critical messages of life are delivered inside our bodies by shape-shifting. A hormone sends a message to a proteineous receptor, and together they “shape-shift.” Merged [...]

Why our beloved has to smell good to us, not just look good to us!2019-02-05T12:23:37-06:00

What might you be breathing in or getting on your skin and nails that could cause early menopause, which doubles your risk of heart disease, bone loss, quality of life and can put a serious dent in your sexuality?


Hormone disruptors are compounds in the environment that look enough like hormones to your body, that if they gain access into your blood stream, these masquerading pollutants can hijack your normal hormonal system. I wrote one of the first books that discussed the role of hormone disruptors in health and what we can do about it (Hormone Deception McGraw-Hill 2000, Awakened Medicine 2010). At a medical meeting, research was presented that showed that women who had increased exposure in their everyday lives to hormone disrupting chemicals, can experience menopause 2 to even 15 years earlier then normal. In practice, doctors are [...]

What might you be breathing in or getting on your skin and nails that could cause early menopause, which doubles your risk of heart disease, bone loss, quality of life and can put a serious dent in your sexuality?2019-02-06T12:26:56-06:00

Your broken heart has a billable medical code. It can now be diagnosed, tracked and turned into insurance for reimbursement. So, be kind to those who share your life for a while, don’t break their hearts!


The next time you go to break up with someone, be gentle. A broken heart is a real thing. The heart muscle weakens, mimicking a heart attack, even though the person may not have had the risk factors for heart disease. A broken heart can cause abnormal EKGs, elevation of heart enzymes (which means heart cells are actually exploding apart), and even skyrocket the production of inflammatory molecules, which threaten immune health. Any stressful situation (especially if you are prone to anxiety anyway)— the loss of a love, the death of a friend, the betrayal of a business partner, getting fired—can [...]

Your broken heart has a billable medical code. It can now be diagnosed, tracked and turned into insurance for reimbursement. So, be kind to those who share your life for a while, don’t break their hearts!2019-01-29T15:53:14-06:00


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