
Guns & Anger: Is hormone disruption part of America’s problem?


American society is ill with anger and violence. Three hundred people are assaulted by guns daily, and 100 across the U.S. die from these wounds each day. The latest school massacre, in Parkland, Florida, left 17 students and staff dead. Another massacre is a call—no, a scream—for some common sense and effective solutions. Everyone wants a safer America. That’s not a controversy; it’s a consensus. Americans dying from gunshot wounds in schools, at concerts, in churches, or in movie theaters affects all of us, not just those of us who are trying to help you lead a healthy life. Health includes [...]

Guns & Anger: Is hormone disruption part of America’s problem?2019-01-30T13:20:35-06:00

Functional Pediatrics with Dr. Sheila Kilbane MD (#81)


  Society is ever changing and so is pediatric medicine. The kids of today are different kids than from several decades ago. They are more ill. There is more childhood obesity, depression, autism and diseases that used to occur mainly in seniors.  For example, both types of diabetes, both 1 and 2, are steadily increasing in kids as well as mood disorders. Pediatrics is the branch of medicine that involves the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends patients under pediatric care are infants through age of 21 years. A medical doctor who specializes in [...]

Functional Pediatrics with Dr. Sheila Kilbane MD (#81)2019-09-06T13:48:46-05:00

Kid Alert! Does Your Child Need An Entitlement Intervention? Dr. Michael Wetter (#80)


    Kid Alert! Does Your Child Need An Entitlement Intervention? Dr. Michael Wetter is a nationally recognized behavioral health expert who has written a new book that gives you all the answers about how you can raise kids that aren’t entitled and self-centered. Remember the song lyrics in the musical Bye Bye Birdie – “Kids, I don’t know what’s wrong with these kids today!” That’s seem true forever. Most generations bemoan these sentiments. But today, we really have a generation of parents intimidated by their children. And we have a generation of kids that want more and more while not [...]

Kid Alert! Does Your Child Need An Entitlement Intervention? Dr. Michael Wetter (#80)2019-06-28T14:41:17-05:00

Dr. Barbara Demeneix – Toxic Cocktail – Your Child’s Thyroid, Brain and IQ (#57)


All earth’s populations are struggling with pollution. There are over 700,000 pollution related deaths a year, but what about your baby’s brain? Dr. Barbara Demeneix is a scientist and professor at the Sorbonne University, Paris, France. Dr Demeneix’s 40-year career focus has been on endocrinology with a particular investigation of the thyroid gland and its essential role in intelligence. Dr. Demeneix discusses how contemporary thyroid health, especially in fetuses and babies, is under attack by today’s toxic environment. Dr. Demeneix’s book is called Toxic Cocktail. She shares how thyroid function, in both the pregnant mom and baby, are a major influence [...]

Dr. Barbara Demeneix – Toxic Cocktail – Your Child’s Thyroid, Brain and IQ (#57)2021-10-10T23:39:38-05:00

Your Son’s Brain & Emotions Are Under Toxic Attack


(My Cul-de-Sac’s Sad but True Pyrethroid Story) by Dr. Lindsey Berkson I called my next-door neighbor in my tight neighborly cul-de-sac, Charette Cove North, to ask Beth for the name of their bug guy that she said used only natural products. Tall burly Gerald came over wearing a clean shirt that had printed over the chest pocket, “Natural Answers for Nasty Bugs.” What were these natural answers? Pyrethroids. Gerald explained these were safe natural versions of extracts of the Chrysanthemum plant’s own bug-fighting pyrethrins. The natural flower extract kills bugs, and Gerald proudly exclaimed that this version was completely natural, safe, [...]

Your Son’s Brain & Emotions Are Under Toxic Attack2019-06-28T14:41:31-05:00

Kids in Pharmaceutical Danger and The Shadow Side of Anti-Histamines (#14)


Our children are caught in a dangerous pharmaceutical loop. Contemporary children are being prescribed excessive drugs, which often cause side effects that then result in even more prescriptions. For example, did you know that anti-histamines for allergies rinse magnesium out of the body and can shrink brain volume in your child’s developing brain? Be smart and learn the shadow sides of common drugs and exact steps to protect your children from Dr. Berkson.

Kids in Pharmaceutical Danger and The Shadow Side of Anti-Histamines (#14)2020-01-03T01:02:19-06:00

Fallout for kids with cancer By Berkson


Cancer is terrible. If your child is diagnosed you of course want to use all the great guns you can to save them. But these medical miracles are now found to create collateral damage. Down the road, children who were treated with radiation or chemotherapy, have more risk of thyroid problems, thyroid cancer, obesity and even diabetes, than children not exposed to these modalities. Endocrine abnormalities are actually “common” and become increasingly “prevalent” as survivors of childhood cancer start to age. These are findings from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. The point is, now that you know this, while your child [...]

Fallout for kids with cancer By Berkson2018-11-15T15:08:51-06:00

Are Your Kids in Pharmaceutical Danger?


Recently, I have had many pediatric patients who are already on a long list of meds. In reviewing the meds and their side effects (that the parents didn’t know about), there is an obvious growing trend of more meds causing more problems that are not linked back to the meds, so the child is then given even more meds. Is your child caught in this dangerous medicine cabinet loop? What meds are kids on? Antibiotics. Acid blockers. Antihistamines. HPV vaccines. To name a few. These may be okay for a short term while the root cause of why they are ill [...]

Are Your Kids in Pharmaceutical Danger?2019-06-28T14:41:48-05:00

Cancers in Kids Happens Earlier and Faster so what can we do?


Pediatric Malignancies Pediatric malignancies develop early in life (some probably in the womb called fetal origin of adult disease) and over a much shorter time period than it takes for adults to develop cancer. This suggests, says a consensus statement from Europe (European Network for Cancer Research in Children and Adolescents 7th Framework Programme) that fewer and stronger events are required for cancer to happen in children.   What are the risk factors: Like environmental exposures. Food. Stress. Nutrient deficiencies. Methylation issues. Gut issues. Too many antibiotics too early, not followed up by probiotics and fermented foods. Compared with adult cancers, most [...]

Cancers in Kids Happens Earlier and Faster so what can we do?2018-10-24T19:04:11-05:00

Pollution Causing Leaky Brain & Gut (even in kids) and 9 Steps to Protect Your Family


Back Copy. Dr. Walter Crinnion is a leader in the field of environmental medicine. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer 21 years ago, secondary to a drug my mother was prescribed while pregnant with me (given to millions of other pregnant moms for over 36 years), part of my healing was to go get tested and detoxed at Walter’s then state-of-the art clinic. Dr. Crinnion went on to be an environmental professor at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe. He started the Crinnion Opinion (I love that name) to update docs about the environment and their patients. And [...]

Pollution Causing Leaky Brain & Gut (even in kids) and 9 Steps to Protect Your Family2019-02-18T11:46:18-06:00
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