
Pomegranates, Cholesterol, Hormones & Cancer


Pomegranates are as close to a miracle food as Mother Nature gets. Pomegranates protect your heart, safeguard your estrogens, “sensitize” insulin receptors better than many diabetic drugs without nasty side effects, slow down aging, and fight cancer. A pomegranate a day keeps the Mack truck of disease away! My grandmother often said, in her very thick Russian accent, “If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is too good to be true.” This does not seem to be the case with these juicy purple fruits and kernels (arils).   Pomegranates fight against lots of bad stuff.  Anti-inflammatory Anti-oxidant Anti-bad [...]

Pomegranates, Cholesterol, Hormones & Cancer2019-06-28T14:40:44-05:00

MANopause – Male Hormones After 40 (#112)


  There is a documented epidemic of low testosterone (T) in males, even young males. Insufficient T is not only linked to erectile dysfunction, it is being reproducibly linked to dying prematurely (losing a few years off your life) from diverse causes, referred to as all-cause mortality. Sufficient levels of T, often higher than the lower end of most lab reference ranges, prevents a long list of serious illnesses such as cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and Type-2 Diabetes. One of the first symptoms of insufficient T is low energy. This is because testosterone protects mitochondria, the energy production [...]

MANopause – Male Hormones After 40 (#112)2019-10-02T14:52:14-05:00

Get at Your Root Cause To Finally & Fully Get Well (#69)


  There are many good things about medicine, and many things not so good. If you need an emergency room, or a life-saving surgery, or a new hip or your cataracts removed, wow, medicine is miraculous. But if you have a chronic illness like migraines, heart disease, autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis or Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue, cognitive decline and the list goes on and on, medicine mostly offers you meds and more meds and more meds. And it convinces you of a reality of ‘learned helplessness’— that you have a disease that will never go away and your answer is [...]

Get at Your Root Cause To Finally & Fully Get Well (#69)2019-07-30T08:08:40-05:00

How Mighty Broccoli Sprouts Fight Type-2 Diabetes & Are Protective Liver Shaper-Shifters


Wow! Broccoli sprouts have now been shown by the American Association for the Advancement of Science to be diabetes fighters and liver shape-shifters!   All my patients know that I try to inspire and share with them how “food is our best medicine”. As well as recommending hormones or nutraceuticals, they are given recipes and sometimes even food right out of my fridge to taste, to inspire and assist them in achieving unstoppable wellness.   Since the 1970's I’ve grown much of my organic food. Many who see me say, “Boy, you’re so lucky you inherited such healthy genes!” Nope. I [...]

How Mighty Broccoli Sprouts Fight Type-2 Diabetes & Are Protective Liver Shaper-Shifters2019-01-30T15:00:00-06:00

The Lies of Type-2 Diabetes And The Power of NO FOOD


Two Big Lies of Type-2 Diabetes And The Power of LESS FOOD By Berkson   Dear Friends, I just listened to an amazing YouTube video called, “The Two Big Lies of Type 2 Diabetes” by Dr. Jason Fung, a nephrologist (kidney doctor) from Canada. He has been reversing this disease, often very rapidly, within weeks or months, even in those who have had this disease for decades and are on multiple meds. In this blog, I am paraphrasing his talk in order to spread the word. I’ve been writing about the reversibility of Type-2 Diabetes for a few years now, but [...]

The Lies of Type-2 Diabetes And The Power of NO FOOD2019-02-13T10:56:41-06:00

Power of food 2: Special Diet Puts 100% of Pre-Diabetes Into Remission!


It is my mission to reduce suffering in this world. I’ve suffered so often from the drug my mother was given when pregnant with me, yet I have survived and thrived. I want to help others. If there were a magic wand to ward off disease at the pass, like the terrible type-2 diabetes, wouldn’t you want to know? There is! It’s food. Food is a super medicine when used wisely. A huge thank-you goes out to the Department of Medicine at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center and the Department of Preventive Medicine at the The University of Tennessee Health [...]

Power of food 2: Special Diet Puts 100% of Pre-Diabetes Into Remission!2019-06-28T14:41:38-05:00

The Melatonin Insulin Link


It’s Complicated I adore that movie with Meryl Strep directed by one of my favorite directors, Nancy Meyers, called “It’s Complicated.” That sums up so much of life. Well, it’s also an accurate way of looking at marvelous melatonin. Melatonin is a multi-tasking complicated hormone. Many of us think of it as a sleep hormone. But it’s much, much more. Just a few examples: Melatonin is one of the most powerful and least damaging anti-oxidants there are. It fights multiple types of cancer as we sleep.  And, it helps prevent, but sometimes promotes, type-2 diabetes! The Melatonin/Pancreas Story When you sleep, [...]

The Melatonin Insulin Link2020-07-22T14:54:38-05:00

‎Diabetic‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Neuropathy & ‎Marijuana‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬


Small, randomized crossover HUMAN trial showed inhaled ‎cannabis‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ reduced ‎PAIN‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ through affecting pain receptors called CB1 receptors. Neuropathy is often also caused by neurotoxicity secondary to chemotherapy for many cancers. This is a huge problem. Perhaps these patients should discuss medical Mary Jane with their doctors.

‎Diabetic‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Neuropathy & ‎Marijuana‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬2018-10-31T17:15:18-05:00



Chromium, zinc, and magnesium are involved in insulin signaling and how the body deals with sugar. They promote helpful defense against adverse oxidation, for example, from tissue damage from high blood sugars. In this study review, blood levels of trace elements (especially magnesium and zinc) were found to be lower in type-1 human diabetes patients than in controls. They were even lower in type 1-diabetes patients with poor glycemic control (hard to control blood sugar levels). Animal studies in the past have repeatedly shown that chromium and magnesium supplementation stopped diabetes-induced complications and improved blood sugar control. When is the last [...]


PRE-DIABETES/INSULIN RESISTANCE TEST – we have all been waiting for


The Concern We are all concerned, understandably and rightfully so, about getting diabetes. Or outliving our wits and developing Alzheimer’s disease, which is now called Type-3 diabetes of the brain. The present tests we have, when we go once a year for a physical to our doctors aren’t working. Otherwise we would not be seeing one out of 3 people born after the year 2000 getting diabetes. We walk around with the worry in the back of our head. I have too. But the fasting blood sugar test, glucose, is not enough. It does not tell us how our body handles [...]

PRE-DIABETES/INSULIN RESISTANCE TEST – we have all been waiting for2019-02-18T11:39:48-06:00
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