Hormone Wars – Dr. David Brownstein (#202)


Watch it on YouTube here Get Armed with Facts In this show you hear the visionary Dr. David’s Brownstein’s explanation and deep dive into: Why medicine is so slow to embrace natural answers that works. How not all hormones are equal - learn about progestins vs. progesterone. How hormones protect you against heart disease. How statins threaten testosterone and other hormone levels, learn how and how this indirectly ups your risk of heart disease. How you can be “allergic” to hormones, and how to “de-sensitize hormones”. What to consider when you are on HRT but having reactions?. What [...]

Hormone Wars – Dr. David Brownstein (#202)2020-12-23T16:45:02-06:00

Functional Cardiology with Mark Houston, MD (#129)


Come join guest Dr. Mark Houston who will take you on a journey of your heart health that will leave you spellbound.Dr. Houston has been training medical doctors in functional cardiology for over 30 years including lecturing for A4M, the Anti-Aging Certification Course for MDs. Dr. Houston and Dr. Berkson are colleagues, they lecture together, they are friends, and Dr. Mark is also Dr. Lindsey's doc!As a renowned “iconic functional cardiologist”, Dr. Mark Houston is looking deeper under the “hood” of your heart than most heart or even hypertension doctors ever would. He has been in practice for 44 years bringing together the best [...]

Functional Cardiology with Mark Houston, MD (#129)2019-09-06T13:40:00-05:00

Sugar is Worse For Your Heart Than Salt


I used to write for the San Francisco Chronicle, an entire page one day a month. I loved it. One day my editor, Michael Bauer, called me in and said he had two comments; 1) “Your most recent article was fabulous and, 2) You’re fired!” What happened? This was in the early 1980’s. I had just written an in-depth, well-cited study about the upcoming epidemic of diabetes. I wrote how sugar, and even the avalanche of hidden sugar, was putting us at risk of many other health problems including depression, anxiety, cognition and heart health. Sounds right on, yes? Turned out [...]

Sugar is Worse For Your Heart Than Salt2019-02-14T12:37:20-06:00

Deadly Heart Attacks Happening At Younger Ages 6 MUST-Dos To Keep Your Heart Healthy By Berkson


Younger aged people are suffering deadlier heart attacks. Even though more quality health information is “out there” and we hear what we should do, too many are not doing it. This information came out one of my favorite medical places, the Cleveland Clinic. They get a lot of severe heart attack cases flown in to their facilities from diverse geographical states. They have been tracking how these folks lived and compared it to years past. Looking at almost 4000 patients who were treated for the most dangerous and deadly heart attack called the STEMI, the researchers found these attacks are happening [...]

Deadly Heart Attacks Happening At Younger Ages 6 MUST-Dos To Keep Your Heart Healthy By Berkson2019-04-03T10:11:14-05:00

Sugar is Worse For Your Heart Than Salt; what exact two levels suggest serious (heart attack) danger?


I used to write for the San Francisco Chronicle, an entire page one day a month. I loved it. One day my editor, Michael Bauer, called me in and said he had two comments; 1) “Your most recent article was fabulous and, 2) You’re fired!” What happened? This was in the early 1980’s. I had just written an in-depth, well-cited study about the upcoming epidemic of diabetes. I wrote how sugar, and even the avalanche of hidden sugar, was putting us at risk of many other health problems including depression, anxiety, cognition and heart health. Sounds right on, yes? Turned out [...]

Sugar is Worse For Your Heart Than Salt; what exact two levels suggest serious (heart attack) danger?2019-02-14T12:39:56-06:00

Every step you take, every food you eat, affects your heart function, and rapidly, especially a Big Mac…


Boy, it’s like having a Big Brother following us around and dinging our endothelial function (how well the most intimate lining of our blood and lymph vessels work) whenever we ‘sin’. If we eat junk food, lie around and snub exercise, or cram high saturated fat into our mouths, within several hours the critical function of the lining of our blood and lymph vessels (the critical fluid highways of our body) can be eroded by 50%! This is yet more research showing that a good diet does matter. And that the effect of how we live and eat, good or bad, [...]

Every step you take, every food you eat, affects your heart function, and rapidly, especially a Big Mac…2019-01-04T18:17:16-06:00
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