Berkson’s Blogs

What can you do in mid-life (30s, 40s, and 50s) that, according science, has the best chance of warding off chronic disease when you’re older, and pushing back the Mack truck of time?


I have been saying for years that we can live younger, and here’s proof. This amazing study examined patient data of 18,670 participants in the Cooper Center Longitudinal Study. This comprised 250,000 medical records, which were meticulously maintained over a 40-year span. This information was then compared with the patients' Medicare claims filed from ages 70 to 85. The researchers’ analyses of the data clearly showed that if you increase your fitness in mid-life by 20%, you decrease your risk of severe illness in your 70s and 80s by 20%. You get less heart disease, colon cancer, even Alzheimer’s disease, in [...]

What can you do in mid-life (30s, 40s, and 50s) that, according science, has the best chance of warding off chronic disease when you’re older, and pushing back the Mack truck of time?2019-02-06T13:18:32-06:00

What is on movie theater popcorn that might make it hard for you to eventually remember the plot?


I love popcorn. I love to sit at the movies and much away. But perhaps there are healthier ways to get popped corn into you. Why should you care? The flavor ingredient, diacetyl, that gives the distinctive buttery flavor and aroma to movie and to microwaved popcorn has been found to amplify the damaging effects of the nasty brain protein linked to Alzheimer’s disease. It’s also found in some margarines, snack foods, candy, baked goods, pet foods, and other products. In other words, fake buttery flavor isn’t brain friendly. In fact, at the factory where workers in the microwave popcorn and [...]

What is on movie theater popcorn that might make it hard for you to eventually remember the plot?2019-02-06T12:01:12-06:00

Which vitamin protects the lungs of your child?


In the far reaches of Mongolia, Harvard researchers worked together with local health researchers, diligently looking for an inexpensive treatment that might reduce respiratory infections in kids during the winter months. In children who tested low in their blood levels of vitamin D at the beginning of the winter, supplementing with vitamin D cut the risk of getting lung infections in half. The amount of vitamin D used in the study was 300 IU. Since this study was run, the U.S. Institute of Medicine has raised the recommended dosage for most children up to 400 IU and even up to 1000 [...]

Which vitamin protects the lungs of your child?2019-02-05T13:02:23-06:00

Men need this female hormone, too!


When many of us think of progesterone, we think of it as being a strictly female hormone for women only. However, men need progesterone, too. Progesterone helps “police” the actions of estrogen, to keep her safe, in both men and women. Progesterone helps protect men’s reproductive tissue from adverse effects of excessive estrogen as men age. Progesterone helps battle the beer belly gut that excess estrogen makes it difficult for maturing men to shed. Progesterone also helps men preserve their masculinity. Progesterone is a precursor to the male sex hormone, testosterone. When men age, testosterone levels start to decline, and estrogen [...]

Men need this female hormone, too!2019-10-02T15:00:50-05:00

Progesterone’s emergent novel medical applications—a revolution in health care!


Recently a dear friend of mine, a lawyer, called because her sister-in-law was experiencing dire throat neuropathy secondary to chemotherapy treatment for pancreatic cancer. My friend wanted to know if there were any natural treatments that might reduce the discomfort and allow her sister-in-law to eat normally again. Answer? Natural biologically-identical progesterone. Progesterone has long been regarded as mainly a female hormone, but now a growing appreciation of the diverse physiological actions of progesterone reveal its use in a variety of disorders in men, women, and sometimes even in children. A review article, from researchers at several Departments of Pharmacology associated [...]

Progesterone’s emergent novel medical applications—a revolution in health care!2019-04-03T10:24:11-05:00

What is the forgotten brain protector you must know about to safeguard your brain?


Hormones deliver email to small openings that line cells, called receptors. These emails are messages that tell cells what to do, what not to do, how to function and keep you vertical, on the move, and paying taxes. Estrogen delivers estrogenic email to estrogen receptors. Progesterone delivers progesteronic email to progesterone receptors. Turns out, all of our brains are flush with progesterone receptors. Progesterone is manufactured in the brains of all humans, girls and boys, men and women alike. What exactly is progesterone doing in the brain? What are the messages progesterone’s email are sending to the brain? Exciting data has [...]

What is the forgotten brain protector you must know about to safeguard your brain?2019-02-06T12:07:06-06:00

Secrets of Super-Ager 80-year-old brains, shown healthier by neuroimaging compared to the brains of folks 2-3 decades younger!


Science usually studies what’s wrong, but this scientist studied what was right, with brains that is. God bless Emily Rogalski out of the Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease Center at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. She gives us hope! Dr. Rogalski used imaging techniques to evaluate the part of the brain that indirectly tells us how healthy a brain is: the cortical thickness. The thicker the cortex, the more nerves live there. The more nerves we have, the better we can think, remember, and focus. The more nerves, the more agile and energetic our brains. Looking inside the brains of [...]

Secrets of Super-Ager 80-year-old brains, shown healthier by neuroimaging compared to the brains of folks 2-3 decades younger!2019-02-14T14:22:57-06:00

Should you pay more for organic foods?


Should you pay more for organic foods? I love Stanford. When I practiced in Palo Alto, CA, in the days before the Internet, I would go to the Lane Medical Library most evenings after work to do extensive nutritional research. So I have much respect for their medical library, but NOT for the conclusions of their recent meta-analysis of organic vs. conventionally-raised/processed foods. Consumer, beware of headlines that may guide you to make unhealthy decisions for you and your loved ones! The Stanford research group under Smith-Spangler ran a review of numerous studies, called “data drudging,” to create a meta-analysis (looking [...]

Should you pay more for organic foods?2019-02-14T14:12:34-06:00

Which foods lower blood pressure almost as effectively as medication, demonstrated by our old friend—data from the Framingham Heart Study of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes and NIH?


Which foods lower blood pressure almost as effectively as medication, demonstrated by our old friend—data from the Framingham Heart Study of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes and NIH? If you can slurp at least one 6-ounce cup of yogurt every three days, you have, according to this study, a 31% decreased risk of developing high blood pressure. They used low-fat yogurt so as to be careful to not add calories, though I am more a fan of whole foods, including yogurt, and then lowering calories elsewhere, or burning off more calories through exercise. This was a 15-year study on [...]

Which foods lower blood pressure almost as effectively as medication, demonstrated by our old friend—data from the Framingham Heart Study of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes and NIH?2019-02-05T13:10:37-06:00

A Game-changing year for hormones


Hormone replacement is back in favor, if it is individualized, given in the appropriate dose, delivery, and timing. HRT appears to protect us in the second half of life even with use of a few years from the start of menopause. I explain and emphasize all this in Safe Hormones, Smart Women. Note my newly-released revised audio edition with over 20 hours of audio. You can get my Safe Hormones, Smart Women in eBook and the audio at the Live Younger Book Store. Click here___. We saw: The conservative North American Menopause Society in their 9th positional statement says hormone replacement [...]

A Game-changing year for hormones2019-01-21T15:45:34-06:00
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