Berkson’s Blogs

Daily aspirin might SERIOUSLY increase the risk of an aggressive type of age-related macular degeneration.


This is the third large study in the last year to suggest potential eye disease from regular aspirin use.  It’s a small risk. Aspirin does protect against heart attack, stroke, and dementia, and when used for over 5 years, it protects against many types of cancer. But if you are part of the 1% who gets this serious eye disease, then statistics mean nothing. But the conclusions are still not set in stone, and a soon-to-be published study may even reflect opposite results. So, right now, aspirin use is a conundrum. Bottom line: Try to avoid it for pain control and [...]

Daily aspirin might SERIOUSLY increase the risk of an aggressive type of age-related macular degeneration.2018-08-29T17:46:13-05:00

The mind follows sound.


Hearing loss accelerates decline of cognitive functions such as thinking and remembering. (Journal of American Medical Association on Line 2013). So using hearing aids, if hearing loss is occurring, is not just hearing protective, but also brain protective. But instead of relying only on hearing aids, look into aldosterone hormone testing and replacement, shown to be helpful in some adult cases of hearing loss. There is hearing-help in them there hormones!

The mind follows sound.2019-02-13T11:01:51-06:00

Read labels, especially on perfume, make-up, and lipstick.


Higher blood  levels of a plasticizer, called phthalates, have been linked  with women going through menopause two to 15 years earlier, which puts them at risk of all kinds of health woes from heart disease and diabetes to plain not feeling good or enjoying sex. Strive to purchase plastic-free cosmetics. Menopause 2012

Read labels, especially on perfume, make-up, and lipstick.2019-02-18T12:14:39-06:00

What your breathe in affects how you breathe out.


Those exposed to cleaning products—farmers, hairdressers, and printing workers— were found to have increased risk of getting asthma. Besides cleaning products, flour, enzymes, metals, and textile exposure at the workplace are also linked to higher rates of asthma. Occupational asthma holds a message for us all. Use green products and ventilate when you clean, especially if you have young children who spend lots of time on the floor and put most things in their mouths. (Thorax 2013)

What your breathe in affects how you breathe out.2019-02-06T12:31:40-06:00

The Unappreciated Role of Hormones in the Gut


You will learn: The new genderome and Venus and Mars in the gut How testosterone and progesterone affect digestive enzymes Which estrogen prevents and heals leaky gut How oxytocin and estrogen receptor beta are in sync in the brain and the gut How and why a healthy gut is a vagal gut Gut microbiome/hormone cross-talk And more! By Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson

The Unappreciated Role of Hormones in the Gut2020-02-20T14:53:24-06:00

Honey, please pass the honey for that nighttime cough!


Honey given at bedtime (three different extracts all worked) was more effective than placebo in reducing the frequency and severity of nighttime cough. Authors tell parents that honey could be used as a safe and effective cough suppressant for children one year of age and older. Pediatrics 2012

Honey, please pass the honey for that nighttime cough!2019-01-30T14:14:14-06:00

Can periodic fasting be a good idea? Can not lifting the fork to your face be cancer protective?


Living and Learning I lived and learned with Scott and Helen Nearing in Maine back in the 1970s; they were the highly educated “back-to-the-land” first organic gardening gurus. They were my first mentors. Scott had a PhD in economics, but he got fired and black-balled because he was the first person to speak out about child labor and demand protective laws. Industry got him thrown out of academia. So Scott went “back-to-the-land,” but in an impressive, educated manner. Scott and Helen initiated the organic food movement and environmental consciousness. People traveled from all over the world to see how they lived. [...]

Can periodic fasting be a good idea? Can not lifting the fork to your face be cancer protective?2018-10-24T19:09:13-05:00

“Ugly” cholesterol comes from “ugly’”fat, and is a more dangerous factor that total or LDL cholesterol.


The real risk of heart disease and potential mortality comes more from ugly cholesterol, which is remnant cholesterol, than the other cholesterol. The culprits? Any excess weight from overweight to frank obesity, smoking, and unhealthy fatty foods and high triglycerides. (Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2013)

“Ugly” cholesterol comes from “ugly’”fat, and is a more dangerous factor that total or LDL cholesterol.2018-08-29T18:01:30-05:00

We are what our parents ate. by Berkson


We are what our parents ate. And what they thought. And how they lived. Children do not just inherit money, they inherit EPI-genes. The surrounding proteins that morph genes. How we live, think, hide, move and eat, all influence our genes more than our genes themselves. Our kids receive these messages in the dynamic womb. I wrote about this in Hormone Deception, and its day has come. A call for GREEN PREGNANCIES, where both to-be parents make a conscious decision about commitment and family. They choose a mate. They plan a date. They detox together, eat better, create a physiologic womb [...]

We are what our parents ate. by Berkson2019-02-06T12:51:23-06:00

In Hollywood, the face you are born with is only the face you start with. Fun, to the rescue.


In Hollywood, the face you are born with is only the face you start with. In functional medicine, the body or disease you are born with, is only a starting point, too. Why? The body is designed to heal. Our genes are graciously and responsively designed by Mother Nature to “morph” based on our life “choices.” How we move through our days on this planet in our body and emotional suits has a robust part in our continuing evolution. Nature created us as co-creators. Vitamin F - Fun But it is not just our 3 E’s: eating, exercising and earning rupees [...]

In Hollywood, the face you are born with is only the face you start with. Fun, to the rescue.2019-02-01T12:36:39-06:00
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