
    Sexy Brain (#2)


    Learn: how great intimacy promotes sizzling cognition, the hormone language of love, how males and females are absolutely hard wired at the atomic level how to keep your hormones happy. AND THEN get your mind blown as Dr. Berkson translates these factoids into your bedrooms and living rooms. 

    Sexy Brain (#2)2019-09-06T10:50:09-05:00

    OXYTOCIN The New Hormonal Kid On The Clinical Block


    Modern Dilemma. In America today, marital relationships and personal moods seem pretty hard to hold together. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Studies say 20 to 72% of husbands commit adultery and 10 to 54% of wives do likewise . Try as we may to achieve happy relationships, many fail. Moods are murky. Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults and cost one-third of all monies spent on mental health. The National Center for Health Statistics shows that one in ten Americans (and one out of four women in their 40s and 50s) take antidepressants. What if there was a safe [...]

    OXYTOCIN The New Hormonal Kid On The Clinical Block2019-06-28T14:41:48-05:00

    What drug are Americans clamoring to take, even though there are natural alternatives and hormone balancing to consider first?


    When I first started working at the Wiseman Family Practice clinic, I was shocked to hear from the doctors and nurse practitioners that about 70% of the patients were on prescribed antidepressants. One out of 10 Americans are on antidepressants. According to CDC statistics, antidepressant drug use rose nearly 400% since 1988. Antidepressants are the most frequently used medication by people aged 18-44. Antidepressants are the 3rd most prescribed meds and they usually cost more than most other medications. Americans heavily lean on antidepressants, but not just when they are clearly depressed. They are often given these scripts when they don’t [...]

    What drug are Americans clamoring to take, even though there are natural alternatives and hormone balancing to consider first?2019-04-03T10:11:47-05:00

    Men need this female hormone, too!


    When many of us think of progesterone, we think of it as being a strictly female hormone for women only. However, men need progesterone, too. Progesterone helps “police” the actions of estrogen, to keep her safe, in both men and women. Progesterone helps protect men’s reproductive tissue from adverse effects of excessive estrogen as men age. Progesterone helps battle the beer belly gut that excess estrogen makes it difficult for maturing men to shed. Progesterone also helps men preserve their masculinity. Progesterone is a precursor to the male sex hormone, testosterone. When men age, testosterone levels start to decline, and estrogen [...]

    Men need this female hormone, too!2019-10-02T15:00:50-05:00

    Progesterone’s emergent novel medical applications—a revolution in health care!


    Recently a dear friend of mine, a lawyer, called because her sister-in-law was experiencing dire throat neuropathy secondary to chemotherapy treatment for pancreatic cancer. My friend wanted to know if there were any natural treatments that might reduce the discomfort and allow her sister-in-law to eat normally again. Answer? Natural biologically-identical progesterone. Progesterone has long been regarded as mainly a female hormone, but now a growing appreciation of the diverse physiological actions of progesterone reveal its use in a variety of disorders in men, women, and sometimes even in children. A review article, from researchers at several Departments of Pharmacology associated [...]

    Progesterone’s emergent novel medical applications—a revolution in health care!2019-04-03T10:24:11-05:00

    What is the forgotten brain protector you must know about to safeguard your brain?


    Hormones deliver email to small openings that line cells, called receptors. These emails are messages that tell cells what to do, what not to do, how to function and keep you vertical, on the move, and paying taxes. Estrogen delivers estrogenic email to estrogen receptors. Progesterone delivers progesteronic email to progesterone receptors. Turns out, all of our brains are flush with progesterone receptors. Progesterone is manufactured in the brains of all humans, girls and boys, men and women alike. What exactly is progesterone doing in the brain? What are the messages progesterone’s email are sending to the brain? Exciting data has [...]

    What is the forgotten brain protector you must know about to safeguard your brain?2019-02-06T12:07:06-06:00

    Our lives are dictated more by smell than we realize, but once again, as I have been writing for years, shape is also part of the issue


    Our lives are dictated more by smell than we realize, but once again, as I have been writing for years, shape is also part of the issue. It now turns out that dancing is not just “with the stars,” but also “with our noses.” And a romantic partner’s shape is not only cool to look at, but also travels up our nose! I have been writing and lecturing for years that the essential, critical messages of life are delivered inside our bodies by shape-shifting. A hormone sends a message to a proteineous receptor, and together they “shape-shift.” Merged together, they form [...]

    Our lives are dictated more by smell than we realize, but once again, as I have been writing for years, shape is also part of the issue2019-04-03T10:25:42-05:00

    This research clearly demonstrates that modern fatness isn’t just a result of the ‘couch potato’ sedentary syndrome.


    This research clearly demonstrates that modern fatness isn’t just a result of the ‘couch potato’ sedentary syndrome. This data shows the POWER OF FOOD as tools to keep our waistlines from getting the better of us! Okay, okay, everyone knows that obesity is an epidemic worming its nasty way into every culture around the globe. Public health circles (or squares) have mostly thought, understandably, that our rotundonous ways are because modern peoples have become gluttonous sloths assuming the shapes of their couches. Move over Forest Gump; sedentary is as sedentary does. Even the World Health Organization says that we are fat [...]

    This research clearly demonstrates that modern fatness isn’t just a result of the ‘couch potato’ sedentary syndrome.2019-04-03T10:27:34-05:00

    A Game-changing year for hormones


    Hormone replacement is back in favor, if it is individualized, given in the appropriate dose, delivery, and timing. HRT appears to protect us in the second half of life even with use of a few years from the start of menopause. I explain and emphasize all this in Safe Hormones, Smart Women. Note my newly-released revised audio edition with over 20 hours of audio. You can get my Safe Hormones, Smart Women in eBook and the audio at the Live Younger Book Store. Click here___. We saw: The conservative North American Menopause Society in their 9th positional statement says hormone replacement [...]

    A Game-changing year for hormones2019-01-21T15:45:34-06:00
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