Berkson’s Blogs

Lose 2 pounds a month without trying by following these researched kitchen hygiene secrets!


You can do some changes in your kitchen, let’s call it “kitchen hygiene,” that helps you and your family eat healthier without as much arduous discipline. Dr. Brian Wansink reported that knowing these kitchen hygiene tricks can help us lose weight without even dieting, since these simple “tricks” make such a difference in the amount of food one eats. The most profound take home from his research is that the bigger the plate, bowl, or even drinking glass, the more we consume. A lot more! Dr. Wansink also shared actual proof in scientific research that even though we try to pay [...]

Lose 2 pounds a month without trying by following these researched kitchen hygiene secrets!2019-02-01T14:12:10-06:00

Cancer cells are glutton for this, so it makes sense for you not to be. Why doesn’t your doctor talk to you about this?


Stanford University School of Medicine scientists identified a compound that attacks certain cancer cells by depriving them of their favorite food, the sugar glucose. We know this is so. If you get a PET scan imaging test these days, they have you avoid sugars for 3 days. Then they give you an IV of radioactive isotopes that are piggy-backed on top of glucose. Your sugar-deprived cancer cells head for this sugary duo, and they “find each other.” This enables the docs to see if you have cancer cells and where they are. But it’s based on the authenticated information that cancer [...]

Cancer cells are glutton for this, so it makes sense for you not to be. Why doesn’t your doctor talk to you about this?2018-08-27T08:47:09-05:00

Can kidney health improve? Can bad kidney function be reversed? Proof from Mount Sinai School of Medicine researchers that food can reverse genes that make kidneys unhealthy.


I worked in a dialysis practice with one of the icons of kidney health, Dr. Jack Moncrief. In fact, he was honored as one of the 7 men who made kidney medicine what it is today. Dr. Moncrief opened the first dialysis center in Austin, Texas; he co-invented the home unit (CAPD); invented a catheter named after him; and even introduced the first tele-medicine bill cosigned by President Bush for Texas. I saw firsthand in practice that there are “tricks” to slow down kidney decline, such as the use of sodium bicarbonate to alkinalize the kidneys, and the combining of the [...]

Can kidney health improve? Can bad kidney function be reversed? Proof from Mount Sinai School of Medicine researchers that food can reverse genes that make kidneys unhealthy.2018-08-28T13:20:15-05:00

Okay, what if you are in your mid-50s or 60s and have been a couch potato much of your life, how much and how long would you need to exercise to really get significant benefits and turn things around? Is it even possible in flabby-middle-age?


Inquiring research minds wanted to know this. So they took couch potato flabby post-menopausal women and put them on 3 months of training that combined cardio and resistance exercises. In just 12 weeks, these sedentary women, 47-68 years of age, mid-lifers who hadn’t ever gone to a gym, had improved arterial health (less stiff), better blood pressure (more normal), and significantly improved muscle strength (healthier and enlarged lean muscle mass). It only took 3 months for significant health gains, even though these ladies were mildly working out. Researchers from two groups (Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences, College of Human [...]

Okay, what if you are in your mid-50s or 60s and have been a couch potato much of your life, how much and how long would you need to exercise to really get significant benefits and turn things around? Is it even possible in flabby-middle-age?2019-02-14T13:19:16-06:00

If you are on this widely-used medication, you now need to test your blood sugar every 6 months.


This drug is highly prescribed, and becoming more and more controversial. Emerging data comes out of the Women’s Health Initiative Study, looking at what to do to protect aging women. Scrutiny from the Women’s Health Initiative study suggested that taking statin medication to lower cholesterol was linked to a 48% increased risk of getting diabetes. This is not the first study to point a sugary finger at statin medication. But this research shows a much larger risk than has been shown in earlier studies. Annie Culver (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN), a pharmacist and lead investigator of the study, said, "I think [...]

If you are on this widely-used medication, you now need to test your blood sugar every 6 months.2019-06-28T14:41:49-05:00

Are you on Valium or Xanax, a little here and there as you need it?


Well, how are your bones? Not only do some of these meds erode bone, they can create sensations of being “off balance” and increase the risk of falls resulting in fractures (as our bones get thinner, we get shakier). Anxiety is awful and it’s understandable to use meds to feel less anxious. But how anxious would you be if you knew that some of these meds promote bone thinning? Kind of like deja vu; something you wished never happened and you don’t want to feel it’s true. Many active central nervous system drugs can affect and alter postural balance, which increases [...]

Are you on Valium or Xanax, a little here and there as you need it?2018-08-28T13:13:01-05:00

We love our coffee, but if we partake in large dosages, it can rinse this vital nutrient out of our bodies and hearts. You MUST get enough of this put back into your body…


A 50-year-old woman suddenly developed severe muscle weakness and fatigue. It was so severe she ended up in the ER. Her blood tests showed lower than normal levels of the vital nutrient potassium. After a lot of medical sleuthing, it was found that she was a coffee addict. She drank over 10 cups a day and spent generous amounts of time in the loo (bathroom). She was in the bathroom, it turned out, so many times a day, I wonder when she had the time to brew the darn coffee? It turns out that the massive coffee ingestion caused excessive urination, [...]

We love our coffee, but if we partake in large dosages, it can rinse this vital nutrient out of our bodies and hearts. You MUST get enough of this put back into your body…2019-02-06T13:11:11-06:00

What may protect female breasts against cancer, improve semen quality in men, increase levels of melatonin, fight oxidative stress, that you can buy over the counter and it tastes great with a dollop of honey on it?


If this pans out, it looks like reproductive doctors may recommend this food for men with infertility issues due to 3 things: sperm deficiencies due to poor viability, poor morphology (shape), and lowered motility (hampered motion). This comes from human research run at the University of California. The study gave males 2.6 ounces a day of this food in powder form and was able to reboot their fertility. Wow, the power of food, in this case, walnuts. (Biology of Reproduction 2012) This same food, two handfuls (2 ounces) of walnuts daily, has been shown by researchers at Marshall University to reduce [...]

What may protect female breasts against cancer, improve semen quality in men, increase levels of melatonin, fight oxidative stress, that you can buy over the counter and it tastes great with a dollop of honey on it?2019-02-06T12:21:53-06:00

Women and aspirin… safe or not?


Your husband is on daily aspirin. Should you be? Which women can safely use aspirin to protect against cardiovascular disease? Women and aspirin… safe or not? Recent meta-analyses (analysis of large groups of clinical trials and clinical guidelines) were performed to try to figure out which women would be helped by taking daily aspirin to prevent heart attacks and strokes, and which women might be more harmed. The data show there are 3 groups of women who are excellent candidates for daily aspirin: Women of any age with established cardiovascular disease. Women 65 years or older with or without a history [...]

Women and aspirin… safe or not?2019-04-03T10:21:23-05:00

If you have or had cancer, what’s been scientifically shown to turn ON the genes that turn OFF the potential deadly spread of that cancer throughout the body?


It’s been driving me crazy as a nutritionist, researcher, and cancer survivor (secondary to a drug my mother was given by her well-intentioned doctors when she was pregnant with me) that many cancer survivors are not told the truth. I hear repeatedly by cancer patients that they were treated with surgery and or chemotherapy and then told the doctors got it all, and they could go on their merry way. They were sent back out into the world with the same physical “terrain” that supported a cancer growing in the first place. They are given a naïve and short-sighted clean bill [...]

If you have or had cancer, what’s been scientifically shown to turn ON the genes that turn OFF the potential deadly spread of that cancer throughout the body?2019-02-01T12:33:43-06:00
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