Enlightening Interview with the doctor that coined the term/ concept “peri-menopause” — Dr. Steven R. Goldstein

Enlightening Interview with the doctor that coined the term/ concept “peri-menopause” — Dr. Steven R. Goldstein

• Key-note speaker at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) 62nd Annual Clinical Meeting in Chicago, IL April 2014 – • Past President of North American Menopause Society • Introduced the concept of “peri-menopause” • Introduced the vaginal ultra-sound • Set the standards for evaluation of the endometrium in aging women A personal “chat” between Dr. Lindsey Berkson and Dr. Steven R. Goldstein - “Where medicine, especially FEMALE medicine, is headed.” ___________ I got lucky. I got a call out of the blue. I was kindly asked me if I would like to interview Dr. Steven R. Goldstein, a [...]

Enlightening Interview with the doctor that coined the term/ concept “peri-menopause” — Dr. Steven R. Goldstein2018-10-11T18:24:06-05:00

Estrogen Naïveté Needs to Wake Up

Estrogen’s a real complex and intriguing hormone. Medicine and science have been confused about estrogen for a long time now. Estrogen is sultry and ancient. She was the first hormone that existed on earth. She’s been around longer than most other signaling molecules (much of life inside the human body occurs with one cell sending an email to another; this is a signaling system). Estrogen is critical for many life processes and in most life forms. The estrogen emailing system in the fruit fly, gorilla, men and women and boys and girls is all the same. Each of us needs estrogen [...]

Estrogen Naïveté Needs to Wake Up2018-11-15T14:01:35-06:00

Is fish oil and prostate a good or bad match?

The media leaped onto headline news about a week ago that increasing levels of fish-type oils in the blood might significantly increase the risk of prostate cancer, especially aggressive cancers. At first blush this appeared credible and horrible news both at the same time. It was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute and run by investigators from the prestigious Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, WA. Worn out patients, tired of yo-yoing research might understandably moan, “Oh no, now what?” But if you look deeper into what the study assessed and what was reported, it’s actually a pretty fishy story. [...]

Is fish oil and prostate a good or bad match?2019-02-01T12:51:55-06:00

Estrogen Naïveté Needs to Wake Up

Estrogen’s a real complex and intriguing hormone. Medicine and science have been confused about estrogen for a long time now. Estrogen is sultry and ancient. She was the first hormone that existed on earth. She’s been around longer than most other signaling molecules (much of life inside the human body occurs with one cell sending an email to another; this is a signaling system). Estrogen is critical for many life processes and in most life forms. The estrogen emailing system in the fruit fly, gorilla, men and women and boys and girls is all the same. Each of us needs estrogen [...]

Estrogen Naïveté Needs to Wake Up2018-11-12T09:36:16-06:00

Is fish oil and prostate a good or bad match?

The media leaped onto headline news about a week ago that increasing levels of fish-type oils in the blood might significantly increase the risk of prostate cancer, especially aggressive cancers. At first blush this appeared credible and horrible news both at the same time. It was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute and run by investigators from the prestigious Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, WA. Worn out patients, tired of yo-yoing research might understandably moan, “Oh no, now what?” But if you look deeper into what the study assessed and what was reported, it’s actually a pretty [...]

Is fish oil and prostate a good or bad match?2019-02-01T12:51:02-06:00

Bioidentical Hormone News

Benefit vs Risk Does hormone replacement have more benefit than risk? Emerging science says yes! 2013 research demonstrates that bioidentical hormone replacement (BHRT) is a sensible consideration for most peri and postmenopausal women (and also for men). However, science based, sensible hormonal replacement must be: 1.     Individualized 2.     Soundly tested and monitored 3.     The entire hormone family evaluated 4.     Key nutrients that assist in hormone signaling addressed 5.     Digestion evaluated to ensure key nutrient absorption 6.     Plus, there now there are even new answers for women (and men) months out from diagnosis of hormonally dependent diseases. There is a revolution happening [...]

Bioidentical Hormone News2018-10-30T20:25:18-05:00

Why is hormone resistance (inability to deliver the hormone’s message) on the rise?

When I tell folks I specialize in hormone health, many agonizing times they say, “Hey, do you know the old joke about how to make a whore moan?” The long-standing answer used to be, “Well, just don’t pay her.” But there’s a new answer. And it has pertinence to us all. “The most up-to-date way to make a whore moan is to block her ability to work.” This is the new hormone resistance. Many of us think that hormones, either self-made or taken as hormone replacement or during teenage-hood or pregnancy, simply function as they’re supposed to. Once in the blood [...]

Why is hormone resistance (inability to deliver the hormone’s message) on the rise?2019-02-05T12:14:42-06:00

What’s nuts about nuts: They reverse blood vessel plaque!

Up till now we have thought that it’s pretty impossible to get rid of dangerous blood vessel plaque build-up without a rotor-rooter. I remember a physician told me just at the beginning of this year (2013) that he has never seen plaque reverse. Well, researchers in Spain measured the thickness of plaque in patients consuming varied diets and they found one food group, that if added to a healthy diet, reversed plaque. Several handfuls of nuts a day won the prize. Adding mixed nuts (walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts) significantly reversed dangerous plaque-build up. The research showed that consuming the healthy Mediterranean [...]

What’s nuts about nuts: They reverse blood vessel plaque!2019-02-05T13:12:11-06:00

Who are all the players in a good night’s sleep?

The brain, it’s amazing. It’s at the top of the heap in total body health, and especially in mood and the ability to have a great night’s sleep. But it’s still unfolding how the heck it does all that it does, especially in regards to that elusive marvelous thing called ‘sleep’. A segment of the brain, in the hippocampus, is called the lateral habenula, which is where serotonin is made. When this area was removed in the brains of rats, they couldn’t get into theta sleep, which is a part of deep REM sleep. When the animal is in deep REM [...]

Who are all the players in a good night’s sleep?2019-02-05T13:00:04-06:00

Nutrients Good and Bad

The Shadow Side of Nutrients – which nutrients cause what issues   I lived with Swami Satchitananda for years and was certified in yoga in India back in 1971. Having studied theology and looked at every which way folks sleuth answers to ‘What’s it all about?’ I have come to respect a basic fact; that this material world is two-sided. There is the good and the bad of each and everything. Spiritual masters refer to this as the dualistic side of nature.   This holds true for every element of life. Water is essential. Too much water is drowning. Food is [...]

Nutrients Good and Bad2013-06-13T07:56:58-05:00
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