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Age is just a number and mine is unlisted!

We are judged by our age. Recently, science has shown that those that “feel younger” longer have less inflammation, cognitive decline, severe diseases and achieve longer lives.

In This Show

Listen in to learn from the first lady of nutrition, Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman, all about the specific anti-aging steps in her latest book, Radical Longevity.

  • How and why to take Vitamin C to bowel tolerance
  • How immunity is everything and what proline and lysine have to do with it.
  • The vitamin C – collagen “face lift”.
  • Why you don’t want to eat AGE’s and which foods are high and how in AGE’s
  • How to marinate food to avoid/lower AGEs
  • How to stop toxic overload to maintain healthier transit time and you “migrating motor complex”
  • How and why to free up fascia
  • How to activate cellular rejuvenation with specific nutrients
  • About the mind gut link as most neurotransmitters are made in the gut
  • How and why macadamia nut oil is worth a few more dollars
  • Which soluble fiber?
  • and The emerging use of “lipid- based B1” for cognition and neurodegeneration

You also get to hear what Dr. Ann eats throughout her day, along with a few recipes!

Join in the fun between two long-time colleagues and friends!


Radical Longevity: The Powerful Plan to Sharpen Your Brain, Strengthen Your Body, and Reverse the Symptoms of Aging

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