
Self-compassion is a critical nutrient many of us are deficient in. We are all going to school every day, every moment, if we notice our curriculum.

Self- compassion is a continual day-to-day curriculum. Loving yourself no matter what. You still take action, out of self love. But you love yourself when you perceive you fail or you just can’t find your way.

Self-compassion is about “not abandoning yourself” and learning what that is and how to live it. Your own life is often filled with your best curriculum.


If… you have tools to learn, to notice, to go within, to love yourself then you can reach out. Being fiercely dedicated to taking care of yourself is the main and best way to have the mojo to then take care of others.


You are a gift to yourself.
Your “present moment” is your greatest present.


There are lots of “ah-ha’s” that help guide us toward a better job of living inside ourselves, and I put them down in my book: Juicy Souls. A soothing, easy read. But very enlightening.

Be kind to yourself.

We can all do better.

Dr. B.


Juicy Souls, how we give our spirits away and how to get them back. Berkson DL

Available here. (Dr. B did the illustrations, too.)

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