breast cancer

    Birth Control Hormones Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer And More!


    (updated 2/2019) Enemies Towards Your Breasts Did you know that birth control pills and other contraceptive methods that use synthetic hormones, could be enemies toward your breasts? Women take birth control pills (or hormonal IUDs and shots) the world over. Providers hand out hormonal contraception scripts like M&M’s. Thus, we assume they’re safe (as do many of our providers). But research from the mid 1970’s onward is showing this is not necessarily true. On one hand, birth control pills may be helpful and protective for some conditions. For example, the use of the pill reduces the risk of certain cancers, such [...]

    Birth Control Hormones Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer And More!2019-02-24T16:51:16-06:00

    What’s in your chicken? How non-organic chicken contributes to hormonal issues like polycystic ovarian syndrome, breast cancer and more!


    What’s in your chicken? How non-organic chicken is contributing to hormonal issues like polycystic ovarian syndrome, breast cancer and more. So you’re trying to eat less red meat, and in doing so you are eating more chicken. You eat out often, so you order salads with chicken, or chicken and veggies, and you think that you’re doing good things for your body and health. You may get lunch several times a week at Whole Foods. You assume the chicken at the salad bar is completely healthy, because, hey, it’s Whole Foods! Think again! You are what you eat. Chickens are what [...]

    What’s in your chicken? How non-organic chicken contributes to hormonal issues like polycystic ovarian syndrome, breast cancer and more!2019-02-05T13:14:26-06:00

    5 Things I Do Every Day To Not Get Breast Cancer Back


    I had breast cancer over 20 years ago. So my remission is my mission. There is a lot we can do besides finish whatever care we took, such as surgery or other interventions, and then believe we got it all and go out into the wild, cross our fingers, and wish for the best. Never guide your life choices by “we got it all” and then assume you are now safe. It makes sense to retweek your physiologic terrain, to make it healthier. It makes sense to identify and fix glitches that had allowed your body to grow a nasty cancer [...]

    5 Things I Do Every Day To Not Get Breast Cancer Back2019-04-03T10:03:42-05:00

    An Herb That Balances Hormones + great tasty recipe


    Herbs - A Powerful Tool in Medicine: The science behind the clinical use of herbs and essential oils to help heal diverse health issues is on a huge upswing. Just one example is the use of essential oils as adjunctive (additional) therapies for breast and prostate cancer patients. I have been strategically using herbs and essential oils as adjunctive care for cancer patients for many years. To cite all the peer-reviewed articles (science based) that demonstrate efficacy of herbs and essential oils against cancer cells would take many pages. At the end of this article I list a number of citations [...]

    An Herb That Balances Hormones + great tasty recipe2020-02-25T13:05:28-06:00

    8 Ways To Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence


    1. Blue foods. Blue pigmented foods like purple cabbage, purple carrots, purple cauliflower, radicchio, black rice, blueberries, blackberries, and more) are high in the anti-cancer pigment called anthocyanins. These have been repeated shown to kill ER+ breast cancer cells in laboratory studies. Colorful, diverse and filled with broccoli-family foods. A rainbow diet of diverse polyphenolic compounds, colorful pigments and brassica-type foods like broccoli sprouts, have all been shown to be cancer protective. Your weekly menu should have plenty of these foods. Soy. Evidence clearly shows that women do not need to avoid whole unprocessed soy foods (if you oncologist told you [...]

    8 Ways To Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence2018-08-01T21:51:03-05:00

    The Power of Food to Fight Breast Cancer Recurrence and Unhealthy Inflammation (#49)


    The power of food to fight breast cancer recurrence and unhealthy inflammation Blue FoodsDr. Berkson highlights foods that help prevent primary and recurrent cancers. She emphasizes blue pigments in foods, like purple cabbage, purple carrots, purple cauliflower, radicchio, black rice, blueberries, blackberries, and more. Blue pigments are called anthocyanins and have been shown to fight daughter cancer cells and even cancer stem cells, which are the cells that create the highest risk of recurrence. Blue foods have been repeated shown in laboratory studies to kill ER+ breast cancer cells. Berkson discusses a rainbow diet filled with diverse polyphenolic protective compounds, as [...]

    The Power of Food to Fight Breast Cancer Recurrence and Unhealthy Inflammation (#49)2019-07-30T08:24:05-05:00

    Epigenetics, Hormones, and Hope (#17)


    Enjoy this highly inspirational show on the power of your choices. Learn how moment-by-moment, your foods, thoughts, actions and decisions, have the ability and power to morph your genes to act - for better… or for worse.  Genes are not set in stone, they are highly influenced by your daily actions through the power of epigenetics. Even women with serious breast cancer genes can take strategic and positive actions that morph their fate toward better protection. This is a podcast you will want to listen to over and over again -  to boost your HOPE on down days and to reinforce it on up days!

    Epigenetics, Hormones, and Hope (#17)2019-09-06T10:34:55-05:00

    What may protect female breasts against cancer, improve semen quality in men, increase levels of melatonin, fight oxidative stress, that you can buy over the counter and it tastes great with a dollop of honey on it?


    If this pans out, it looks like reproductive doctors may recommend this food for men with infertility issues due to 3 things: sperm deficiencies due to poor viability, poor morphology (shape), and lowered motility (hampered motion). This comes from human research run at the University of California. The study gave males 2.6 ounces a day of this food in powder form and was able to reboot their fertility. Wow, the power of food, in this case, walnuts. (Biology of Reproduction 2012) This same food, two handfuls (2 ounces) of walnuts daily, has been shown by researchers at Marshall University to reduce [...]

    What may protect female breasts against cancer, improve semen quality in men, increase levels of melatonin, fight oxidative stress, that you can buy over the counter and it tastes great with a dollop of honey on it?2019-02-06T12:21:53-06:00

    Breast Cancer and Virus Link


    Out of 239 women with breast cancer, almost 60% had a leukemia virus that came from contaminated meat, milk and cheese (compared to 29% in the blood of women without breast cancer). This research came out of UC Berkeley. The most recent dairy study looking at herds that had this virus, came out in 2007. It found that over 82% of the entire US dairy herd from the nation's 17 major dairy-producing states - nearly 84% of the cow's blood - has this virus. I do not know if eating organically protects against this virus or not. I am going to [...]

    Breast Cancer and Virus Link2018-10-24T19:18:14-05:00

    Plastic and Breast Cancer Treatment by Berkson


    Phthalates. Hard to pronounce let alone spell. These are ubiquitous. They are found in your fridge, home and office. They are used in the production of flexible vinyl, like the thin plastic bags in the grocery store, even Whole Foods, and that wood-like looking but not wood floor. They are used in plastics that package food or in presses that make olive oil. They are in perfume and nail polish. Well, cell studies (looking at cells in the lab) show that phthalates are not good for cancer. We had known they promote initiation of cancer. But now these new cells studies [...]

    Plastic and Breast Cancer Treatment by Berkson2019-02-14T13:33:47-06:00
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