Love Your Body DETOX – Dr. Barry Taylor ND (#77)


    Drs. Taylor and Berkson rafted down the Rogue River in Oregon decades ago. Today they raft through detox. Dr. Barry Taylor is one of the pioneering physicians in the US to take patients through intense and effective detoxes. Dr. Taylor has taken 15,000 people through his guided detoxification programs called LOVE YOUR BODY programs. They help people improve their lives on all three levels: body, mind and spirit. Dr. Taylor has been honing these courses for decades. They are also now available on line, see links below. In this show, Dr. Taylor explains how he got personally involved on [...]

Love Your Body DETOX – Dr. Barry Taylor ND (#77)2019-07-30T08:02:27-05:00

DETOX with Wendy Myers (#65)


    Wendy Myers is known as the “Detox Guru”. In this show we go into detox in step-by-step detail and show how heavy metal toxicity is linked to severe fatigue and hormonal issues, which is why detox is a critical answer for many who are not getting well by typical medical interventions. Wendy is the founder of and, which both emphasize toxic metal and mineral-testing protocols with individualized detox and mineral replacement programs to overcome fatigue and reverse diverse illnesses. Wendy recently had Dr. Joseph Mercola on her podcast and is presently treating him with her unique combination [...]

DETOX with Wendy Myers (#65)2019-07-30T08:10:25-05:00

Dementia – the gut, endocrine disruptors and detox


Research is showing that some causes of neurodegenerative diseases including dementia start in a good gut gone wrong. Why? The health of the gut and the brain are intimately intertwined. The cells of your gut and brain start out as the exact identical clump of developing fetal cells that divide in half and then travel forward to form the gut and cranial brains. As we move across months, years and time of our lives, each brain continues to bi-directionally influence each other’s vulnerability to wellness or loss of it. In the brain, at the tips of nerve cells (neurons) are specialized [...]

Dementia – the gut, endocrine disruptors and detox2018-08-22T18:31:21-05:00

Receptor Detox – What is Endocrine Disruption and How to Protect Your Family (#5)


We live in a toxic world, and these toxins can assault your children’s brains, your fertility and your risk of diseases like cancer, diabetes and even cognitive decline. Learn some simple measures to protect yourself and your family.

Receptor Detox – What is Endocrine Disruption and How to Protect Your Family (#5)2019-09-06T10:45:05-05:00

Berkson’s Call For GREEN PREGNANCIES (Detox prior to conception and/or birth)


Transgenerational exposure. Lead in a pregnant mother's body that accumulates from her everyday life up to her pregnancy, affects gene expression in the growing fetus inside her womb. Lead is an endocrine disruptor. Especially for the baby's brain and insulin receptors. Lead affects future diabetes and cognition risks. No level of lead is good. Lead has been proven to reduce IQ. When a mother breasts feeds, up to 80% of her body burden of endocrine disruptors, including lead, go into breast milk and into the baby. What to do ideally? Detox prior to conception. But if you are already pregnant, you [...]

Berkson’s Call For GREEN PREGNANCIES (Detox prior to conception and/or birth)2018-10-30T20:33:36-05:00

DETOX before Conception to Save Your BABY’s BRAIN


Exposure 80% of what exposures moms have had in their body by a life time of accumulation, not just on the job but through air, water and food (heavy metals to plastics & persistent organic pollutants) drain from mom, to babe, through breast feeding. These chemicals are being linked to causing issues in your child’s health, especially attention problems from autism and ADHD to Aspergers syndrome. The mother of the future will detox before getting pregnant. End of story… to have better beginnings of stories. There is no other way out of protecting our child’s brains and the next generations. Here is [...]

DETOX before Conception to Save Your BABY’s BRAIN2019-06-28T14:41:50-05:00

Wild food for wild folks? Try sautéed dandelions; delicious spring detox for the liver!


When I used to live and study with Helen and Scott Nearing—authors of over 50 books like Living the Good Life and Loving and Leaving the Good life, and writers of the preface of my second book, The Foot Book (HarperCollins 1981)—this visionary couple used to encourage eating and living off the land. Soon after living with the Nearings, I got a job teaching health education in the high schools in Vermont, where, by the way, I eventually got fired for being a pagan as I taught yogic breathing for relaxation. But one of the many good things to come out [...]

Wild food for wild folks? Try sautéed dandelions; delicious spring detox for the liver!2019-02-05T12:25:23-06:00
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