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Chronic dizziness, along with nausea and even tinnitus, can be a stunningly awful game changer. Some people have to change their careers. Other isolate in misery. Others doctor hop or read doom and gloom on the Internet.

The buck stops here.

Listen to understand vertigo as healable. Often, rapidly.

 In this show you will learn:

  • Why your vestibular system was the first system in the womb to develop.
  • The various types of vertigo.
  • How vertigo and even tinnitus may be “talking” to you, and how to hear what each is saying.
  • Joey’s 12-week online course that has changed the vertigo path for thousands – including a dear friend and patient of Dr. Berkson’s.
  • How Joey’s multi-layered background, especially in yoga ,was a perfect mix.
  • What is “holding space” and why this is critical for both the patient and the doctor.
  • How tinnitus can be seen as the body responding oddly to new cues. New cues make your physiology change and this new physiology gives off sound and language. That adds up to sounds in your inner ears. Wow.
  • How doctors can optimally work with this information.
  • Most all cases of vertigo and tinnitus are healable and often within months.
  • When Joey’s new book Rock Steady is launching.

Guest Joey Remenyi

Joey is a special woman. She weaves scientific language and data along with healing words of a “priestess” creating a tapestry of wisdom.

It’s not often a great healer has the capacity to also be a great healing storyteller.

This show “holds this space” for listening to our illness and then learning the skills that reveal what your vertigo and noise are trying to help your vestibular system understand.

Joey is the founder and director of “Seeking Balance International”. With her background in psychology, neuroscience, Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a Masters in Clinical Vestibular Audiology, along with over 20 years of experience in yoga and the art of experiential neuroplasticity she is uniquely positioned to support and understand folks suffering with vertigo and tinnitus.

Joey’s new book ROCK STEADY will be released mid-November. Look for it and her online course at

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