Berkson’s Blogs

One of my favorite times of day is sitting with my cup of Joe and looking over the science and pondering a blog and writing it. For me it’s a lot of fun wordsmithing together my life knowledge with what’s new. Having been in functional medicine, nutrition and practice now, yikes, for almost 43 years, I have a perspective that has, what we would say about a wine, ‘legs’.

Enjoy! Let me know what you think [email protected]

Bulletproof and Berkson


Bulletproof and Berkson! A one-hour plus interview chock full of ideas to make your brain and life soar. Listen to Bullet Proof Radio show on how our toxic environment is impacting our hormones, brains and health here. Dave Asprey is an amazing human who was obese and out of shape and morphed into a hunk, a best selling author, hottest radio host, and a world respected health guru. On this show Dave Asprey interviews Dr. Berkson and this hot duo team up for your learning and listening pleasure. The info is fast, fun and full of factoids. Dave Asprey is very brilliant and [...]

Bulletproof and Berkson2019-01-08T07:33:27-06:00

Oxytocin – nature’s plan for your pleasure and family stability


Humans are unique. We supposedly mate for life, which enables two parents to healthfully share the raising of kids. Nature is all about the next generation. About the next generation being healthy and safe. In this way, nature is extremely invested in having us stay together. Healthy monogamy makes healthier homes and kids. So what mechanisms did nature set into place to try to safeguard monogamy? Pleasure! Nature set it up that the more healthy intimacy and interpersonal closeness between couples—through harmonious communication, touch, hugging, and love-making—turns out to be key factors toward making love stay. How this works on the [...]

Oxytocin – nature’s plan for your pleasure and family stability2019-02-14T13:37:31-06:00

8 Unappreciated Causes & Fixes For Asthma


When you have a child who is having trouble breathing, it’s a scary and heart-wrenching situation. Recently a dear friend of mine, who was one of my early patients decades ago, found herself in this shocking scenario. Her son couldn’t breathe. Prior to his newly-diagnosed asthma, he had been a top athlete. Now, all the inhalers in the world weren’t fixing him. They were actually making him suffer with debilitating nausea and anxiety on top of the severe breathing problems. But without the inhalers he was bed bound. He was not well, and now nauseated and anxious and losing weight because [...]

8 Unappreciated Causes & Fixes For Asthma2018-07-20T13:12:58-05:00

Magnesium: A Simple Fix For Depression?


What if your complex health problem had a simple fix? This can happen more than you might think, but our health care system, and even our own thinking, is often not on alert to look for the simple answers. Magnesium might be a key to solving your depression.  When you have a health issue, finding out what’s wrong is the most critical step of fixing it. This is referred to as finding “root cause.” In today’s health care, the step-by-step process of searching for the main cause of your suffering is often replaced by a focus on symptoms, costly testing and [...]

Magnesium: A Simple Fix For Depression?2019-02-04T11:27:22-06:00

How Mighty Broccoli Sprouts Fight Type-2 Diabetes & Are Protective Liver Shaper-Shifters


Wow! Broccoli sprouts have now been shown by the American Association for the Advancement of Science to be diabetes fighters and liver shape-shifters!   All my patients know that I try to inspire and share with them how “food is our best medicine”. As well as recommending hormones or nutraceuticals, they are given recipes and sometimes even food right out of my fridge to taste, to inspire and assist them in achieving unstoppable wellness.   Since the 1970's I’ve grown much of my organic food. Many who see me say, “Boy, you’re so lucky you inherited such healthy genes!” Nope. I [...]

How Mighty Broccoli Sprouts Fight Type-2 Diabetes & Are Protective Liver Shaper-Shifters2019-01-30T15:00:00-06:00

An Herb That Balances Hormones + great tasty recipe


Herbs - A Powerful Tool in Medicine: The science behind the clinical use of herbs and essential oils to help heal diverse health issues is on a huge upswing. Just one example is the use of essential oils as adjunctive (additional) therapies for breast and prostate cancer patients. I have been strategically using herbs and essential oils as adjunctive care for cancer patients for many years. To cite all the peer-reviewed articles (science based) that demonstrate efficacy of herbs and essential oils against cancer cells would take many pages. At the end of this article I list a number of citations [...]

An Herb That Balances Hormones + great tasty recipe2020-02-25T13:05:28-06:00

Zinc Lozenges Shorten Cold Time, But Not All Zinc Is Equal (How to gain a pound of wisdom)


Zinc lozenges have long been sold at local health food stores and pharmacies to treat the common cold. But a new study out of Finland proves the exact do’s and don’ts to help you help yourself when sniffles start to surface. According to a meta-analysis (looking at data from a number of studies to attempt to separate fact from fiction) of three randomized controlled trials, “zinc acetate” lozenges (with zinc dosages 80 to 92 mg/day) were found to boost recovery rates from the common cold by 300%. On the fifth day 70% of the patients sucking on the zinc lozenges had [...]

Zinc Lozenges Shorten Cold Time, But Not All Zinc Is Equal (How to gain a pound of wisdom)2019-01-29T15:29:47-06:00

Statins Up Your Risk Of Spinal Disease (It’s time to stand up for your own health)


As a society, we have become comfortable with this cozy, crazy idea that medicine delivery is pharmaceuticals. We think health care means drugs. And we think drugs are safe. We are more comfortable with getting meds to solve our problems than we are at looking at our lifestyles, food choices, or using nutrients and herbs. In other words, we are more relaxed about putting foreign molecules into our own and our kids’ bodies than we are with common sense. We are medicalized sheep. Yet every drug rinses out certain nutrients. Take birth control pills, for example. These pills, used by multiple [...]

Statins Up Your Risk Of Spinal Disease (It’s time to stand up for your own health)2019-02-14T14:00:05-06:00

Leaky Brain, exactly how to fix it & busting the myth of vegetable vs. fish omega-3’s


The gut and brain start out as best friends from the very beginning of your life. These massive organs start out inside the fetus as one clump of teeming new life. Then this group of cells splits almost exactly in half. One segment travels to the gut to become the intestinal tract and the other migrates to the head to become your brain. Both these organs have protective barrier systems that surround and shield them. In the gut this protective barrier is called the semi-permeable gut wall. It is made up of a single layer of epithelial cells combined with magical [...]

Leaky Brain, exactly how to fix it & busting the myth of vegetable vs. fish omega-3’s2019-02-01T13:59:31-06:00

Eating & Exercise Timing To Lose Weight


—A study finally proves exactly “when” to eat before exercising to maximize weight loss & better behaved fat cells.If you are like me, you want to get the most bang for your exercise buck because the rest of the day you have plenty to do and often much of it involves sitting. So I’ve often wondered, as I am sure you have, too, how to maximize the two E’s, exercise and eating. Would we lose more weight if we ate breakfast and then worked out a bit later? Should we have a green drink before we get into the car to [...]

Eating & Exercise Timing To Lose Weight2019-06-28T14:41:25-05:00
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