Sugar is Worse For Your Heart Than Salt; what exact two levels suggest serious (heart attack) danger?

Sugar is Worse For Your Heart Than Salt; what exact two levels suggest serious (heart attack) danger?

I used to write for the San Francisco Chronicle, an entire page one day a month. I loved it. One day my editor, Michael Bauer, called me in and said he had two comments; 1) “Your most recent article was fabulous and, 2) You’re fired!” What happened? This was in the early 1980’s. I had just written an in-depth, well-cited study about the upcoming epidemic of diabetes. I wrote how sugar, and even the avalanche of hidden sugar, was putting us at risk of many other health problems including depression, anxiety, cognition and heart health. Sounds right on, yes? Turned out [...]

Sugar is Worse For Your Heart Than Salt; what exact two levels suggest serious (heart attack) danger?2019-02-14T12:39:56-06:00

Brain Protection by Buffing UP Your Mitochondria

Mitochondria are the energy packs inside cells. Turns out, based on rodent studies from Johns Hopkins, an enzyme protects these every-ready physiologic batteries. And exercise boosts these enzymes, especially in the brain. These enzymes are called SIRT3 enzymes. What does this mean for YOU? You want and need healthy mitochondria, especially inside your brain. And it turns out that what is good for your brain, happens to also be good for your heart. Exercise is one major solution. "Mitochondrial dysfunction"—well known to contribute to cognitive decline, mood disorders (like anxiety and depression), severe fatigue and heart disease—is "opposed" by robust EXERCISE. Also, [...]

Brain Protection by Buffing UP Your Mitochondria2019-01-17T19:10:38-06:00

Truth Is Funnier Than Fiction

I just went to my first comedic "laughter matters" toast master club and I won the humor of the night award. I was a guest. But they still invited me up and my request, as each person gets a different one, was to sing a song. So I just suddenly "channeled" Julia Child and sang a vita-mixer song taking a person called Sarah; putting her in the vita-mixer, so I could drink her so I could really, like the Yogis preach, become one with her. Then I riffed about taking a cooking class on Ayrurvedic herbs in India and meeting this holy [...]

Truth Is Funnier Than Fiction2019-02-06T13:26:40-06:00

No Time For Mindfulness? How to Fit It In.

Just having to “fit mindfulness in” sound oxymoronic. But like everything else we prioritize, it needs to be done. And why do we want to be mindful? Mindfulness and meditation care take our brain as well as our other tissues. Meditation has been shown, by research from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in 2015, even 5 minutes a day, to ward off dementia and make pain a smaller font size. That means, hurt less. Don’t believe it? In a randomized controlled trail, meditation was found to be more statistically helpful compared to placebo, in measurably achieving pain relief. (Journal of Neuroscience [...]

No Time For Mindfulness? How to Fit It In.2019-02-13T12:06:06-06:00

Grateful Proven by Science to be Healthier!

A study published by the American Psychological Association shows that the emotion of gratefulness was found to significantly improve mental and ultimately physical health in patients with asymptomatic heart issues like heart failure. The title is: The role of gratitude in spiritual well being in asymptomatic heart failure patients.. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 2015; 2 (1): 5 DOI: 10.1037/scp0000050 Identifying and being appreciative for the positive aspects in your life keeps you well. Yet it is not easy to feel peace and grateful for all that we have, even simple things like running water and a grocery store around the corner. [...]

Grateful Proven by Science to be Healthier!2019-01-30T13:15:15-06:00

Beware of Fake Data-it-is: an epidemic

Fake data. Lots of it. Falsified. Much of it cancer treatment data! The prolonged scandal involving Dr. Potti, a former Duke University cancer researcher, could have been stopped earlier, according to a report in the Cancer Letter earlier in 2015. As far back as 2008, a Duke medical student, Bradford Perez, was whistle-blower and warned university officials about Dr Potti's UNwork. But school officials and other researchers silenced the Mr. Perez. According to an ORI report published online today, November 11, 2015, in the Federal Register, Dr Potti falsified research in all of these studies below, which have now all been [...]

Beware of Fake Data-it-is: an epidemic2018-10-30T20:29:07-05:00

Distinct Type of Depression (Brain Inflammation) and the “I Spot” in the brain that identifies it

Inflamed Brain Our brain is our most important organ. Many of us aging folks are now more worried about outliving our wits, than getting cancer. Much of brain aging is actually brain inflammation. Inflamed brains age faster, and make us worried and depressed. What can we do about it? And is this real, or bogus? Emory Health Science researchers wanted to know, too. They found that 1/3rd of depressed people have inflamed brains. These people have elevated blood inflammatory markers and the inflammation can be distinctly viewed on brain imaging. Wow! No more hiding inflamed brains, we can see you! Brain [...]

Distinct Type of Depression (Brain Inflammation) and the “I Spot” in the brain that identifies it2019-01-17T18:58:43-06:00

Endocrine Disrupting Christmas Trees

UC Berkley T. Haynes PhD has shown that frogs exposed to Atrazine become reproducibly homosexual. Guess what? Oh no. Atrazine's sprayed on many Christmas Trees! Who knew we now had to be on the look out for non-pesticide sprayed Xmas trees. The biggest exposure issue is during pregnancy and early infancy but no one knows for sure. So if anyone in your house is pregnant or breast feeding, get a fake but lovely and perhaps safer tree this year.

Endocrine Disrupting Christmas Trees2018-10-11T18:24:45-05:00

drlindseyberkson on HEALTHY CHOICES radio us as we interview leading physicians, researchers and authors from around the globe on the hottest topics in health and medicine. Co-hosts are always outstanding local practitioners, including doctors of pharmacy, naturopathic doctors, chiropractic doctors and homeopaths.

drlindseyberkson on HEALTHY CHOICES radio2019-06-28T14:41:50-05:00

Big Pharma Hormone Conspiracy Exposed

by  Drs. Devaki Lindsey Berkson and David Brownstein We can’t live without hormones. Hormones have much more to do with the body than just controlling reproductive actions.  In fact, hormones control every bodily function, which includes the neurological, cardiovascular systems as well as the kidneys and even our vocal chords. In order to achieve optimal health, we need our hormones properly balanced on all levels.  When hormonal pathways are disrupted, disease and disorder sets in. In our toxic world, hormonal pathways are often disrupted by synthetic hormones, which are found in our food, medicines, and the environment.  Over the last 20 years, many [...]

Big Pharma Hormone Conspiracy Exposed2019-01-17T19:10:55-06:00
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