
Jesus, Zinc, Brain Size, Censorship and More (#189)


Watch it on YouTube here In this show you will learn: Why are we so complicated? Even Jesus would get frustrated. Peace, why it’s so hard to get over ourselves. Laughing, smiling and your brain. Happiness is not dependent on being partnered. Ionophores and what you should know. Zinc as an ionophore and its role with hydroxychloroquine. Air is the new food: pollution and brain health. Gut microbes and viral infections. Body weight has alarming impact on brain function. Censorship in today’s pandemic medical space and Dr. Brownstein. And more. This show combines science and entertainment with probing [...]

Jesus, Zinc, Brain Size, Censorship and More (#189)2020-10-01T08:41:43-05:00

How and Why to Get Your “Happy” On (#120)


People want to be happy. Why? Science is showing that happy people live longer and have better health. But getting your “happy on” leans on your physical, emotional and cognitive habits.  In this show Dr. Berkson discusses: How to cultivate happy. Why peace is more sustainable and desirable than happy. In this show you’ll learn what do to become more peaceful and congruent inside your body suit. Dr. Berkson’s explores the science showing that happiness and optimism effect health issues like breast cancer and high blood pressure. Did you know there is World Happiness Report 2017, sponsored by the NIH? It names Norway the world’s happiest [...]

How and Why to Get Your “Happy” On (#120)2019-06-28T14:40:55-05:00

Want to be a “Game Changer” and win at life? Dr. Berkson’s Interview with Bulletproof’s AMAZING Dave Asprey!


I love Dave Asprey. So does much of the world. We always wait in anticipation of his newest book. A few weeks ago Dave wrote me that he referenced my work and our podcast together in Game Changers: What Leaders & Mavericks Do to Win at Life. He wanted to know if I would pass on this, his latest greatest book, with you, my tribe? So, Dave and I got together for quick chat. Here is our interview on how to make the changes in your life you long to make, in this New Year! Enjoy!   Why did you write [...]

Want to be a “Game Changer” and win at life? Dr. Berkson’s Interview with Bulletproof’s AMAZING Dave Asprey!2019-02-06T12:45:07-06:00

Food Rules Mood


Food is a necessity of life. It keeps us alive. It sustains us. It’s pleasure you can receive without the muss and fuss of another human. But food also has some shadowy slopes. In fact food can sometimes be downright dangerous. Food can create a filter—good or bad—through which you perceive your world. Your choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and even your portion sizes, can make or break your mood. For example, your menu choices and amounts can contribute to calm and contentment or to anxiety and debilitating depression. Food is powerful. Appreciation of the relationship between food and mood [...]

Food Rules Mood2019-06-28T14:41:16-05:00

reasons for most happiness


People happier if country they live in has: Solid economy,   Healthy life expectancy,   Having someone to count on,   Perceived freedom to make life choices,   Freedom from corruption,   National, personal feelings of generosity. A positive outlook during the early stages of life sets foundation for greater happiness during adulthood (must invest early on in the lives of kids to be happy not with stuff, but with connection, giving, community consciousness rather than entitlement, money and fame.) Sustainable Development Solutions Network. "World Happiness Report 2015 ranks happiest countries." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 April 2015

reasons for most happiness2019-02-18T12:14:59-06:00
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