
    Birth Control Hormones Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer And More!


    (updated 2/2019) Enemies Towards Your Breasts Did you know that birth control pills and other contraceptive methods that use synthetic hormones, could be enemies toward your breasts? Women take birth control pills (or hormonal IUDs and shots) the world over. Providers hand out hormonal contraception scripts like M&M’s. Thus, we assume they’re safe (as do many of our providers). But research from the mid 1970’s onward is showing this is not necessarily true. On one hand, birth control pills may be helpful and protective for some conditions. For example, the use of the pill reduces the risk of certain cancers, such [...]

    Birth Control Hormones Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer And More!2019-02-24T16:51:16-06:00

    What’s in your chicken? How non-organic chicken contributes to hormonal issues like polycystic ovarian syndrome, breast cancer and more!


    What’s in your chicken? How non-organic chicken is contributing to hormonal issues like polycystic ovarian syndrome, breast cancer and more. So you’re trying to eat less red meat, and in doing so you are eating more chicken. You eat out often, so you order salads with chicken, or chicken and veggies, and you think that you’re doing good things for your body and health. You may get lunch several times a week at Whole Foods. You assume the chicken at the salad bar is completely healthy, because, hey, it’s Whole Foods! Think again! You are what you eat. Chickens are what [...]

    What’s in your chicken? How non-organic chicken contributes to hormonal issues like polycystic ovarian syndrome, breast cancer and more!2019-02-05T13:14:26-06:00

    Catherine Hansen MD Gynecologist (#70)


          Dr. Catherine Hansen is a board certified gynecologist with a fellow in intimacy, hormones and menopause. She discusses the most common problem in her practice: that women are globally exhausted and overwhelmed, which seeds diverse disease. She discusses mindfulness in life and how that feeds the body. You can only have with another person (spouse, kids, office mates, friends) that which you have with yourself. If you are on empty inside, all your relationships suffer. With simple 5 minute steps that we discuss you can turn this around. We each have inside ourselves natural pharmacy cornucopia that we [...]

    Catherine Hansen MD Gynecologist (#70)2019-07-30T08:07:42-05:00

    Get at Your Root Cause To Finally & Fully Get Well (#69)


      There are many good things about medicine, and many things not so good. If you need an emergency room, or a life-saving surgery, or a new hip or your cataracts removed, wow, medicine is miraculous. But if you have a chronic illness like migraines, heart disease, autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis or Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue, cognitive decline and the list goes on and on, medicine mostly offers you meds and more meds and more meds. And it convinces you of a reality of ‘learned helplessness’— that you have a disease that will never go away and your answer is [...]

    Get at Your Root Cause To Finally & Fully Get Well (#69)2019-07-30T08:08:40-05:00

    Bulletproof and Berkson


    Bulletproof and Berkson! A one-hour plus interview chock full of ideas to make your brain and life soar. Listen to Bullet Proof Radio show on how our toxic environment is impacting our hormones, brains and health here. Dave Asprey is an amazing human who was obese and out of shape and morphed into a hunk, a best selling author, hottest radio host, and a world respected health guru. On this show Dave Asprey interviews Dr. Berkson and this hot duo team up for your learning and listening pleasure. The info is fast, fun and full of factoids. Dave Asprey is very brilliant and [...]

    Bulletproof and Berkson2019-01-08T07:33:27-06:00

    Jack Monaco MD – Confessions of a gynecologist gone hormonal, not postal (#68)


            We think if we have hormonal problems, we sensibly need to see an endocrinologist or gynecologist. But it turns out, today, that not many people, even doctors, get hormones right. Dr. Monaco explains this stunning reality in medicine, in-depth. Very few doctors have been trained in how to assess for hormonal imbalances, how to treat, how long to treat, and to appreciate the emerging broad swath of hormonal protective actions that occur all throughout the human body. Too many doctors practice extremely antiquated medicine, especially in terms of the world of hormone therapies. Hormones are not just [...]

    Jack Monaco MD – Confessions of a gynecologist gone hormonal, not postal (#68)2020-02-25T13:04:16-06:00

    Oxytocin – nature’s plan for your pleasure and family stability


    Humans are unique. We supposedly mate for life, which enables two parents to healthfully share the raising of kids. Nature is all about the next generation. About the next generation being healthy and safe. In this way, nature is extremely invested in having us stay together. Healthy monogamy makes healthier homes and kids. So what mechanisms did nature set into place to try to safeguard monogamy? Pleasure! Nature set it up that the more healthy intimacy and interpersonal closeness between couples—through harmonious communication, touch, hugging, and love-making—turns out to be key factors toward making love stay. How this works on the [...]

    Oxytocin – nature’s plan for your pleasure and family stability2019-02-14T13:37:31-06:00

    An Herb That Balances Hormones + great tasty recipe


    Herbs - A Powerful Tool in Medicine: The science behind the clinical use of herbs and essential oils to help heal diverse health issues is on a huge upswing. Just one example is the use of essential oils as adjunctive (additional) therapies for breast and prostate cancer patients. I have been strategically using herbs and essential oils as adjunctive care for cancer patients for many years. To cite all the peer-reviewed articles (science based) that demonstrate efficacy of herbs and essential oils against cancer cells would take many pages. At the end of this article I list a number of citations [...]

    An Herb That Balances Hormones + great tasty recipe2020-02-25T13:05:28-06:00

    Introduction to Progesterone – Part 1


    Progesterone Review. Progesterone is now regarded as so breast protective that there’s a scientific call to add it to breast cancer medications like Tamoxifen! It promotes brain and sleep health in both men and women and works with Vitamin D to reduce inflammation in the nervous system and brain. --Dr. D.L.Berkson Part 1 — Introduction to Progesterone What is progesterone? Progesterone is a hormone. Its name comes from “pro”— meaning tosupport, and “gest” — meaning gestation. It triggers pregnancy and keeps it going. Progesterone initiates birth by helping sperm get attracted to, swim towards, and penetrate into the deeper layer of eggs produced by [...]

    Introduction to Progesterone – Part 12019-04-03T10:05:34-05:00

    Valentine’s Blog – Getting Love RIGHT


    So many people want to fall madly and passionately in love. But few realize that you can’t really have with others what you don’t already have with yourself. If you don’t have a bag of oranges, you can’t give a bag of oranges away. If you haven’t honed your own experience of love with the “self” that nature and nurture have gifted you with, then what you have with others might not be what you’d hope for. Over half of marriages break up. If you are not “self-known,” when you say “I do,” only part of you is saying it. If [...]

    Valentine’s Blog – Getting Love RIGHT2019-02-06T13:35:22-06:00
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