
    Bioidentical Hormone News


    Benefit vs Risk Does hormone replacement have more benefit than risk? Emerging science says yes! 2013 research demonstrates that bioidentical hormone replacement (BHRT) is a sensible consideration for most peri and postmenopausal women (and also for men). However, science based, sensible hormonal replacement must be: 1.     Individualized 2.     Soundly tested and monitored 3.     The entire hormone family evaluated 4.     Key nutrients that assist in hormone signaling addressed 5.     Digestion evaluated to ensure key nutrient absorption 6.     Plus, there now there are even new answers for women (and men) months out from diagnosis of hormonally dependent diseases. There is a revolution happening [...]

    Bioidentical Hormone News2018-10-30T20:25:18-05:00

    Why is hormone resistance (inability to deliver the hormone’s message) on the rise?


    When I tell folks I specialize in hormone health, many agonizing times they say, “Hey, do you know the old joke about how to make a whore moan?” The long-standing answer used to be, “Well, just don’t pay her.” But there’s a new answer. And it has pertinence to us all. “The most up-to-date way to make a whore moan is to block her ability to work.” This is the new hormone resistance. Many of us think that hormones, either self-made or taken as hormone replacement or during teenage-hood or pregnancy, simply function as they’re supposed to. Once in the blood [...]

    Why is hormone resistance (inability to deliver the hormone’s message) on the rise?2019-02-05T12:14:42-06:00

    Hormones and MS, can hormone replacement help MS?


    Often people get a diagnosis of a disease and they are told they will have this disease for life and the only choices are medications and learning to live with the situation. But this is not necessarily so. Hormones, along with other novel therapies, including diet, may hold promising answers for improvement and possibly even remission for some individuals. Your own physician may not know about these therapies, but search around for those who work with alternative therapies such as these to at least consider other options. They are often inexpensive and have a high safety profile so you have nothing [...]

    Hormones and MS, can hormone replacement help MS?2019-04-03T09:57:43-05:00

    Hormone Replacement NEW guidelines from the British Menopause Society — HRT is going mainstream again


    We are all aging. The aging segments of society are the fastest growing world-wide. The Brits have now said that sophisticated hormonal replacement treatments (HRT) are a sensible and powerful way to keep us healthy, and to avoid toppling medical care systems. But, HRT needs to be prescribed in ways where the benefits outweigh the risks as much as possible. This makes great sense. Hormone Replacement is Moving Mainstream Once Again I think what is exciting is that this report said hormones are helpful, the treatment should be individualized, there is no set time limit, old and young alike can benefit [...]

    Hormone Replacement NEW guidelines from the British Menopause Society — HRT is going mainstream again2019-01-30T14:30:45-06:00

    You need these watching your back, especially as you move into the 2nd half of your life.


    When we are young and filled with energy the blood stream is optimally packed with sex hormones that deliver robust emails to genes inside cells that tell cells what to do. Younger folks have the cellular messages and thus the energy to run, think, focus, make love and enjoy it, and to also have the delicious mojo to approach any task with focus and force. When our hormones are robust we feel that the world is our oyster. As we age, the sex organs put out less sex hormones. Subsequently, the job of delivering life’s critical emails to cells to tell [...]

    You need these watching your back, especially as you move into the 2nd half of your life.2020-02-25T12:57:16-06:00

    What food can you inexpensively purchase at any market, which keeps hormones safe and makes ‘immortal’ cancer cells die?


    For years many of us have used this food as a small thoughtless garnish on top of other foods, without realizing the pharmaceutical actions and magic that lay within its tasty cells? It’s difficult to believe that the lowly parsley holds such amazing benefits. Parsley is one of the highest food sources of an amazing flavonoid called apigenin. Celery and chamomile are also other common sources of apigenin, but parsley contains the highest amount of this compound. Apigenin is turning out to be an easy to eat and inexpensive protector against cancer. Here’s the back copy. One way that cancer cells [...]

    What food can you inexpensively purchase at any market, which keeps hormones safe and makes ‘immortal’ cancer cells die?2019-04-03T09:58:00-05:00

    Leaky gut and perhaps even leaky brains, no longer merely functional medicine concepts, are now entering mainstream research. And, of all things, what do hormones and soy have to do with this?


    I wrote Healthy Digestion the Natural Way over 13 years ago. In it were presented over 60 intestinal conditions and how to use natural methods to help deal with them. One concept presented was the leaky gut syndrome. At that time, if a patient mentioned that they might have a leaky gut to their doctors, they got the raised eyebrow “aren’t you stupid” reaction. Today, that shouldn’t be the case. If your doctor still reacts this way, run for the hills or put their picture on a milk carton. Even scientists at Emory University are getting in on understanding leaky gut [...]

    Leaky gut and perhaps even leaky brains, no longer merely functional medicine concepts, are now entering mainstream research. And, of all things, what do hormones and soy have to do with this?2020-02-20T14:53:50-06:00

    How to keep a great scent (pheromones) even as you age, to overcome the newly recognized ‘posttraumatic de-scent disorder’!


    I remember a quote once from Elizabeth Taylor where she said getting old was awful, because she even smelled old. Well, she wasn’t wrong. Apparently as we age, everything ages, even our scent. But read on, as I am going to give you some good news further down, so don’t hold your nose. To digress for one moment, I do recall the old Seinfeld routine where he and Elaine were in a car he had loaned out and the man who borrowed the car had awful body odor. Sitting in the car they got back from the stinky man, Elaine complained, [...]

    How to keep a great scent (pheromones) even as you age, to overcome the newly recognized ‘posttraumatic de-scent disorder’!2019-01-30T15:12:23-06:00
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