
Healthy Sweetener Alternative with Andress Blackwell (#124)


We all love sweets but which sweets love us? It is known that sugar is bad for us, yet artificial sweeteners might be worse, especially for our microbiome integrity.Dr. Berkson interviews the President of Swerve Sweetener, Andress Blackwell. Andress used to be a radio host, so she is very savvy and dynamic on air. In this interview you will learn multiple factoids, recipes and enjoy healthy chats to enlighten your meal capabilities and sweeten your food in healthy ways that don’t up your risk of metabolic disorder and obesity.With headlines like this, you need to hear this show. The Association Between Artificial Sweeteners [...]

Healthy Sweetener Alternative with Andress Blackwell (#124)2019-06-28T14:40:52-05:00

Sugar Shockers & Scams


Why You Should Make This One New Year's Resolution, and Stick to It When we think of New Year’s resolutions, we think of losing weight, exercising more, drinking less or not for a while… but more scientific research now says sugar addiction is often overlooked as the most destructive and deadly force of all. Emerging and replicated research shows people who consume lots of sugar are more than twice as likely to die from heart disease. Studies say sugar feeds cancer cells and boost the risk of Alzheimer's. Then there is sugar's link to diabetes, and the list goes on. That's [...]

Sugar Shockers & Scams2019-06-28T14:41:09-05:00

Sugar No More (#90)


      Sugar Shockers & Scams. Why you should make this one “New Year’s Resolution” and stick to it! Dr. Berkson 1 hr. show. Jan. 5 2018 You will learn the differences between sugars, how to read labels like never before, and about the Harvard & New England Journal of Medicine “Sugar Scam” on the public that is still happening in variations on a theme. You’ll get angry and for a good reason! You will learn the peer-review based sugar-links with leaky gut, post-prandial (after meals) bacterial translocation, fatty liver disease, inflammation (and the new anti-inflammatory molecule on the block [...]

Sugar No More (#90)2019-06-28T14:41:09-05:00

The Power of Less Food (#47)


Dr. Lindsey Berkson discusses how the power of food is not just in our food choices, but in how much we eat. This podcast is on the power of "less food."Caloric RestrictionDr. Berkson shares how "caloric restriction" helps us live younger longer and may now be used to treat some illnesses, such as reverse some cases of type-2 diabetes. It's long been repeatedly observed in pockets of humanity where people live longer and healthier, that eating less is one way to slow down the Mac Truck of Aging. But how? Brigham Young University researchers, in a mouse model, suggest it comes down to our "ribosomes." Ribosomes make proteins. They [...]

The Power of Less Food (#47)2019-07-30T08:25:07-05:00

Why You Must Become a Medical Cynic (#23)


New information has come to light about how the sugar and peer-review medical industries have given the American public wrong information for decades. This translated into the low-fat, high carb nightmare. Based on this wrong information, millions of Americans went on to develop diabetes, cancer and obesity, and all while trying to eat healthier. We all, docs included, must become realistic medical cynics.

Why You Must Become a Medical Cynic (#23)2019-07-31T10:40:04-05:00

Sugar is Worse For Your Heart Than Salt


I used to write for the San Francisco Chronicle, an entire page one day a month. I loved it. One day my editor, Michael Bauer, called me in and said he had two comments; 1) “Your most recent article was fabulous and, 2) You’re fired!” What happened? This was in the early 1980’s. I had just written an in-depth, well-cited study about the upcoming epidemic of diabetes. I wrote how sugar, and even the avalanche of hidden sugar, was putting us at risk of many other health problems including depression, anxiety, cognition and heart health. Sounds right on, yes? Turned out [...]

Sugar is Worse For Your Heart Than Salt2019-02-14T12:37:20-06:00

10 Truths About Sugar by Berkson


Sugars are hidden in many commercial foods. One must be a sleuth today to avoid them. They are labeled by different names so it’s even confusing to figure out what, if any, sugars are in there. Companies care about profits. We should care about our health. No one is making you buy that stuff. Companies put sugars in food to enhance food flavors so we will eat more and buy more. Sugars are now proven to create a transient “high” in some people (more in some than in others) and this contributes to wanting to eat more of what made you [...]

10 Truths About Sugar by Berkson2019-04-03T10:08:54-05:00

Sugar is Worse For Your Heart Than Salt; what exact two levels suggest serious (heart attack) danger?


I used to write for the San Francisco Chronicle, an entire page one day a month. I loved it. One day my editor, Michael Bauer, called me in and said he had two comments; 1) “Your most recent article was fabulous and, 2) You’re fired!” What happened? This was in the early 1980’s. I had just written an in-depth, well-cited study about the upcoming epidemic of diabetes. I wrote how sugar, and even the avalanche of hidden sugar, was putting us at risk of many other health problems including depression, anxiety, cognition and heart health. Sounds right on, yes? Turned out [...]

Sugar is Worse For Your Heart Than Salt; what exact two levels suggest serious (heart attack) danger?2019-02-14T12:39:56-06:00
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