
5 Ways to Reduce Tomato & Strawberry Food Allergies


Allergies, or adverse reactions to food, are on the rise in infants, children, and adults. Eating a food, touching the food, or sometimes even inhaling aerosolized proteins of the food as it is cooking and wafting into the air can cause allergic reactions. Scientific documentation demonstrates that roughly 3 to 4% of adults and 5% of children are allergic to specific foods. The prevalence of food allergy in infancy is increasing and may affect up to 15-20 % of infants causing both growth and development issues. Food allergies usually occur “immediately” after consuming a food, happening within minutes or hours of exposure. [...]

5 Ways to Reduce Tomato & Strawberry Food Allergies2019-04-03T10:00:05-05:00

Menopause & Estrogen – Ten Issues & Ten Natural Answers (#106)


      There are ten common issues patients identify with menopause:  1. Resistant Weight Gain 2. Insomnia 3. Hot flashes 4. Fatigue 5. Brain mood cognition perception of life 6. Brand new issues including skin problems 7. Gut issues 8. Genitourinary issues – leaking, dryness of vaginal and painful intercourse 9.  Libido 10. Joint pain In this episode, you will learn: What estrogen has to do with fat cell genes, mass and weight loss. Low estrogen + menopause + hormone altering chemicals is a recipe for resistant fat, and what to do about it. Hormones, appetite, weight control and metabolic [...]

Menopause & Estrogen – Ten Issues & Ten Natural Answers (#106)2019-06-28T14:41:01-05:00

Dr. Berkson’s “Bits & Pieces” Patient Tales (#104)


    In this episode Dr. Berkson shares stories of cases in which patients lives were improved and changed by looking at their condition with a new set of functional medicine eyes. You will learn about a rare cause of insomnia, called “nocturnal hypertension.”  You will be amazed that one cause of idiopathic infertility may be subclinical hypothyroidism, even if your TSH thyroid blood test is still within normal range. Did you know that sperm count and shape can “say” a lot about a man’s heath, even his risk for metabolic disease? You will learn about the concept of “hormonal hyper-excreters” [...]

Dr. Berkson’s “Bits & Pieces” Patient Tales (#104)2019-09-06T13:48:24-05:00

Your body loves blue food. So does your vagina. Especially if you’re being treated for cervical cancer. 6 of my favorite protective blue food ideas.


Twelve thousand women a year are diagnosed with cervical cancer. It's treated with radiation. Researchers from the University-Columbia now show that blueberry extract makes the radiation work more effectively. Blueberries, it turns out, are "radio-sensitizers". Blue berry extract, when given along with radiation, make unhealthy cervical cancer cells respond better, die more, when exposed to radiation. In a joint cell study from the Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine, the University of Missouri School of Medicine, and The Affiliated Hospital of Xiangnan University, in China, they found: Cervical cancer cells treated with radiation alone decreased cancer cell growth by 20%. [...]

Your body loves blue food. So does your vagina. Especially if you’re being treated for cervical cancer. 6 of my favorite protective blue food ideas.2020-03-03T15:26:47-06:00

Bigger Belly Fat, Smaller Brain Size & The Shocking Link of Mindfulness (15 Action Steps)


Fat and Your Brain Can you grab a few inches of love handles at your waist? Your brain may be shrinking. Especially the part of your brain that has to do with self-control and mindfulness. Life often manifests as circles. One thing leading to another. Who would have thought that there might be a circle surrounding mindfulness, brain size, appetite regulation, and belly fat? But there is. Let me present a web of scientific evidence that shows that “mindfulness” plays a significant role in being able to control the portion size of what you choose to eat. More mindfulness, less belly [...]

Bigger Belly Fat, Smaller Brain Size & The Shocking Link of Mindfulness (15 Action Steps)2020-09-18T15:06:14-05:00

A web of evidence for a vicious circle of fat. 15 Sophisticated & Effective Steps to Break this Cycle.


Life often manifests as circles. One thing leading to another. Who would have thought that there might be a circle surrounding mindfulness, brain size, appetite regulation, and belly fat? But there is. Let me present a web of scientific evidence that shows that “mindfulness” plays a significant role in being able to control the portion size of what you choose to eat. More mindfulness, less belly fat. The opposite also holds true. More fat, less mindfulness (not in all, but in many). The bigger the belly fat, the smaller the brain volume (even in children); less mindful awareness, due to the [...]

A web of evidence for a vicious circle of fat. 15 Sophisticated & Effective Steps to Break this Cycle.2019-04-03T10:02:37-05:00

10 Signs Your Brain is Aging Rapidly and How to Reverse It


There are now several replicated studies from prestigious labs around the world showing that brain tissue in children under 10 years of age, in cities with high levels of pollution, are exhibiting early Alzheimer’s and Parkinsonian-like changes. These altered brain tissues show signs of unhealthy inflammation, misshapen proteins, and are looking more like the old brains of cognitively declined seniors than of kids. Our brain is at the top of our physiological pyramid. Yet, we often don’t think about it unless we have issues with it. Our brains can have one of two problems: “Out loud” issues. This means our problems [...]

10 Signs Your Brain is Aging Rapidly and How to Reverse It2019-04-03T10:03:23-05:00

5 Things I Do Every Day To Not Get Breast Cancer Back


I had breast cancer over 20 years ago. So my remission is my mission. There is a lot we can do besides finish whatever care we took, such as surgery or other interventions, and then believe we got it all and go out into the wild, cross our fingers, and wish for the best. Never guide your life choices by “we got it all” and then assume you are now safe. It makes sense to retweek your physiologic terrain, to make it healthier. It makes sense to identify and fix glitches that had allowed your body to grow a nasty cancer [...]

5 Things I Do Every Day To Not Get Breast Cancer Back2019-04-03T10:03:42-05:00

To artificially sweeten or not to sweeten, that is the question! Learn 7 benefits of stevia (and a few pitfalls!)


TV ads have taught today’s youth that diet colas make us dance, prance, and smile as we get the pretty girl or handsome guy. We even are taught to imagine we can slurp the artificially sweet stuff and keep our waistlines thin and trim. Many today are addicted to the bubbly strong sweet taste and think they’re doing themselves a favor since they aren’t drinking sugar-filled sodas. What’s the big deal? A lot! Since the use of artificial sweeteners, from sucralose to aspartame, has been increasing, a group of researchers wanted to see how safe these types of alternative sugars were. [...]

To artificially sweeten or not to sweeten, that is the question! Learn 7 benefits of stevia (and a few pitfalls!)2019-04-03T10:04:17-05:00

10 Tips for Avoiding “Obesogens” and Keeping Weight Off


Are Non-Organic Foods, Perfumes, & Everyday Chemicals Keeping You Fat? By Dr. Lindsey Berkson Worldwide obesity is an epidemic and a conundrum for adults and children of all ages. The commonly believed causes—eating more and moving less—don’t explain the entire epidemic or why losing weight today is much more difficult to achieve than it was in the 1980s.When I practiced with Dr. Block in Tulsa, an internist who had been in practice for over 50 years, I asked him what was the most common health issue he ran into over all those years. Without skipping a beat Dr. Block scratched his bald [...]

10 Tips for Avoiding “Obesogens” and Keeping Weight Off2019-06-28T14:41:31-05:00
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