
15 Belly-Fat Busters (#82)


When it’s fat or real estate, it’s all about location, location, location! Where your fat is located on your body, affects your overall health, your brain structure and function, and even your ability to be mindful… or not.In this show you learn plenty of facts and fiction about fat cells.Fat has more functions than we thought.Fat stores excess calories so you can mobilize the fat stores for energy when you need them.Fat releases hormones that control metabolism (metabolism refers to how you burn calories as energy, or store calories as fat).Fat protects organs.Fat acts like Jekyll and Hyde depending on where [...]

15 Belly-Fat Busters (#82)2019-06-28T14:41:17-05:00

Functional Pediatrics with Dr. Sheila Kilbane MD (#81)


  Society is ever changing and so is pediatric medicine. The kids of today are different kids than from several decades ago. They are more ill. There is more childhood obesity, depression, autism and diseases that used to occur mainly in seniors.  For example, both types of diabetes, both 1 and 2, are steadily increasing in kids as well as mood disorders. Pediatrics is the branch of medicine that involves the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends patients under pediatric care are infants through age of 21 years. A medical doctor who specializes in [...]

Functional Pediatrics with Dr. Sheila Kilbane MD (#81)2019-09-06T13:48:46-05:00

Kid Alert! Does Your Child Need An Entitlement Intervention? Dr. Michael Wetter (#80)


    Kid Alert! Does Your Child Need An Entitlement Intervention? Dr. Michael Wetter is a nationally recognized behavioral health expert who has written a new book that gives you all the answers about how you can raise kids that aren’t entitled and self-centered. Remember the song lyrics in the musical Bye Bye Birdie – “Kids, I don’t know what’s wrong with these kids today!” That’s seem true forever. Most generations bemoan these sentiments. But today, we really have a generation of parents intimidated by their children. And we have a generation of kids that want more and more while not [...]

Kid Alert! Does Your Child Need An Entitlement Intervention? Dr. Michael Wetter (#80)2019-06-28T14:41:17-05:00

Farshid Sam Rahbar MD: Whole-Person Approach to Digestive Care (#79)


  Dr. Sam Rahbar heads the Los Angeles Gastroenterology and Nutrition Center. Dr. Sam is one of the few gut docs that incorporates anti-aging & functional medicine together with an integrative holistic approach focused on digestive care. His practice embraces mind & body, lifestyle & nutrition, identifying and treating inflammation, infections, immune system issues, toxic burdens, allergies, hormone balancing, and most importantly, optimizing gut integrity. There are not a lot of gut doctor’s like Rahbar. In this 1.5 hour in-depth show Dr. Sam shares a number of his rare clinical pearls. Dr. Rahbar specializes in sleuthing out “stealth infections” that distract or [...]

Farshid Sam Rahbar MD: Whole-Person Approach to Digestive Care (#79)2019-07-30T08:01:20-05:00

Love Your Body DETOX – Dr. Barry Taylor ND (#77)


    Drs. Taylor and Berkson rafted down the Rogue River in Oregon decades ago. Today they raft through detox. Dr. Barry Taylor is one of the pioneering physicians in the US to take patients through intense and effective detoxes. Dr. Taylor has taken 15,000 people through his guided detoxification programs called LOVE YOUR BODY programs. They help people improve their lives on all three levels: body, mind and spirit. Dr. Taylor has been honing these courses for decades. They are also now available on line, see links below. In this show, Dr. Taylor explains how he got personally involved on [...]

Love Your Body DETOX – Dr. Barry Taylor ND (#77)2019-07-30T08:02:27-05:00

Dr. Liz Lipski – More On Getting Un-Confused with Food (#76)


    Dr. Liz Lipski’s entire career has been focused on food. Dr. Lipski is a Professor and the Director of the Academic Development graduate nutrition programs at Maryland University’s Integrative Health. She holds a PhD in Clinical Nutrition with a specialization in Integrative Medicine. She teaches for the prestigious Institute for Functional Medicine, the Metabolic Medicine Institute fellowship program and for medical physician certification programs for A4M. Liz also sits on the boards for Certified International Health Coaches. So Liz trains all kinds of professionals on the ins and outs of what is healthy eating and everything surrounding nourishment. On this [...]

Dr. Liz Lipski – More On Getting Un-Confused with Food (#76)2019-07-30T08:03:00-05:00

Get Un-Confused About Food with Dr. Robin Miller (#75)


Dr. Robin Miller is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and also trained with Dr. Andrew Weil as an Integrative Medicine Fellow at the University of Arizona. She is currently Medical Director of Triune Integrative Medicine, an integrative medicine clinic in Medford, Oregon. Miller blogs regularly for Sharecare.com, an interactive health and wellness website founded in conjunction with Dr. Mehmet Oz, where she serves as Executive Advisory Board member. Robin is also a medical reporter and regular correspondent for KOBI-5, the NBC affiliate in Southern Oregon as well as a regular guest on the Dr. Oz show. As Americans scramble to jump [...]

Get Un-Confused About Food with Dr. Robin Miller (#75)2019-07-30T08:03:30-05:00

Possibilities, Psychology, and Quantum Physics with Mel Schwartz (#74)


    Possibilities, Psychology & Quantum Physics. Mel Schwartz, author of The Possibility Principal, is a therapist who has practiced for over 20 years. He is an emerging voice in the field of personal transformation. Mel is one of the first practicing psychotherapists to integrate the principles of “quantum physics” into a “psychotherapeutic” approach. Mel is the author of The Art of Intimacy, The Pleasure of Passion, and he blogs for Psychology Today.  He has written over 100 articles, read by more than 1.5 million people. He offers supervisions and trainings to those in the helping professions. This gentle conversation unfolds as Mel [...]

Possibilities, Psychology, and Quantum Physics with Mel Schwartz (#74)2019-07-30T08:04:41-05:00

Functional Gastroenterologist Dr. Kenneth Brown (#73)


  Functional gastroenterologist Dr. Kenneth Brown, looks at the bigger picture including food and herbs to heal America’s ill guts. The gut has been called the 2nd brain, the mother ship of our health, the seat of our immune system, and the place where we get our authentic gut instinct—if all is working well. But if your gut is ill, “all” of you can feel miserable. This is difficult to appreciate if you haven’t experienced serious gut issues. But millions have. 60-70 million Americans suffer with gastrointestinal disease 240,000 deaths yearly from severe gastrointestinal disease (this number is similar to the [...]

Functional Gastroenterologist Dr. Kenneth Brown (#73)2020-02-20T14:51:28-06:00
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