We are at war with the virus that causes the new viral illness, COVID-19.

In this show you hear Dr. Berkson’s theory on the “Gaia Principal” and taking a look at “root cause” of escalating pandemics.

In This Show You Learn:

  • Four portals of entry of the coronavirus.
  • Suggested tools for prevention in high-risk and low-risk persons.
  • Suggestions for once infected.
  • What is a virus is.
  • Discussion and controversy on this virus and NSAIDs.
  • The main time-frame for human pandemics and how many have died.
  • How pandemics are increasing.
  • What this means for Mother Earth and for each one of us.
  • Why we need to prioritize values of “humanity” and “future generations” more than money and power.
  • Issues with kits, government response, fatality rates and why.

And There Is More!

You will hear exact steps to “flatten the curve” (todays COVID-19 mantra) with specific ways to maintain your immunity.

You learn what sugar does to your immune system and for how long.

We share specific dosages of anti-viral nutrients.

You will hear the names of two new promising drugs that may help halt this coronavirus, and how the underlying mechanism of how they work overlaps with melatonin.

How melatonin may be a critical player to help you stay well.. and why. (I wrote an entire chapter on melatonin in my book, Safe Hormones, Smart Women.)

How the virus binds to ACE2 and the controversy of ACE2 receptors and hypertensive medications.


Stay calm. The stress hormone cortisol is immunosuppressive.

We are being asked by the “isness” of this viral reality to live “community” consciousness more than “personal”.

We are all in this together.

Let’s get the message right.

Let’s support the leaders that tell the truth, not manage the truth.

Take Note:

Twenty-percent of U.S. COVID-19 deaths so far have been aged 20 to 64. Kids can get it. They may not die but may be at risk of permanent tissue damage. You can have the virus without symptoms or only digestive ones.

Learn how viruses have consciousness and evolve just like we do. Thus, symptoms and treatments may do the same. 

You will learn the “two aspects” of this virus that make it different than what humanity’s immune systems have seen before.

This dangerous virus is here for a while, but our fates are not locked in.

In this show you learn how to take more mastery of your fate.

Want More?

Coronavirus Update & Integrative Natural Answers

COVID-19: In Light of Historical Pandemics, the Health of Planet Earth, & What We Can Do! (#168)

COVID-19 with Dr. Leo Galland (#169)

COVID-19: Promising Treatments by Docs on the Frontlines (#172)

The FDA’s Role in the “Covid Crisis” and What You Can Do About It. (#173)

To Mask or Not to Mask (#179)


See my in-depth article on Coronavirus for an detailed listing of my sources. In addition, some background facts came from The Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) WHO-China-Final-COVID-19-report.

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