
Health, Nutrition & Medical Update with Dr. Berkson (#198)


Watch it on YouTube here In this show you will learn: How vitamin A helps you lose weight and why you shouldn’t leave home without it. How hypothyroidism, even hidden—known as “subclinical hypothyroidism”—can contribute to ADHD in kids. So, if pregnant or planning on getting pregnant, why you should get tested. The newest most effective breast imaging without ionizing radiation and how to ask your doctor about it. A great action-step to keep your cancer from recurring. What sugary sodas and diet sodas have in common. Why dentists might be getting afraid to put their fingers in your [...]

Health, Nutrition & Medical Update with Dr. Berkson (#198)2020-11-17T08:13:32-06:00

Hypothyroidism in Pregnant Mothers Linked to ADHD in their Children


Hypothyroidism in Pregnant Women Thyroid signals have significant influence on brain function. Especially the mother’s thyroid signals, during the first three months, on the developing brain of her unborn child. If a mother has insufficient thyroid signals, called hypothyroidism, this may contribute to attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder of children in the U.S. This recent research comes out of NYU Langone Health / NYU School of Medicine. This new investigation showed: Children whose mothers were diagnosed with hypothyroidism shortly before or during the early stages of pregnancy were 24% more likely to have ADHD [...]

Hypothyroidism in Pregnant Mothers Linked to ADHD in their Children2020-11-10T20:49:22-06:00

Steroid Controversy, Aging & Belly Fat, Gut & Depression, Sugary Wombs & More! (#190)


In this show you will hear: We need to be guided by science, but science doesn't have black-and-white answers. A call for common sense and reason. A need to not be nonchalant about steroids. Steroids and Bones Steroids and Clots Steroids and Your Immune System Steroids and Glaucoma Comparing Mask Material by the University of Arizona Food, Probiotics and Depression Aging Plasticity, Chronic low-grade Inflammation, Belly Fat and Eosinophils Sugar consumption when pregnant: what starts in the womb…. That Gut Overlapping your Belt Your belly fat, not under your skin but deeper inside your abdomen, adversely effects immune [...]

Steroid Controversy, Aging & Belly Fat, Gut & Depression, Sugary Wombs & More! (#190)2020-09-30T17:51:00-05:00

Progesterone – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (#188)


Watch it on YouTube here Progesterone Natural progesterone that your body makes is very different from synthetic progestins that are patented and sold by commercial companies. The differences between the two are often misunderstood in scientific literature as well as in the clinical trenches of many doctors’ offices, even gynecologists. In this show you will learn: How progesterone got its name. How much progesterone a pregnant woman makes and how and why this tends to put autoimmune and inflammatory diseases in remission. The dose spectrum range of progesterone. Routes of delivery. How and why progesterone is made all [...]

Progesterone – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (#188)2020-10-01T08:45:52-05:00

Is Your Daughter At Risk of Earlier Puberty and Later Breast Cancer? Reproductive Milestones (and Hormones) Are Under Assault


Mother Nature hard-wired humanity with specific milestones of reproduction. This means that for millennia the entire human race has had very specific times during specific years when women can start making babies or stop making babies. Hormones flourish and initiate or diminish and halt. This has been the hormonal dance throughout the ages. Reproductive milestones are humanity’s rhythms that have far reaching effects on entire life spans. Yet the timing of these milestones is under attack by our dirty planet and food. “Time shifting” of reproductive milestones is threatening the health and survival of the human race. Modern humans have been [...]

Is Your Daughter At Risk of Earlier Puberty and Later Breast Cancer? Reproductive Milestones (and Hormones) Are Under Assault2019-06-28T14:40:48-05:00

A WARNING: Don’t take NSAIDs during pregnancy!


    A WARNING: Don’t take NSAIDs during pregnancy! Or if you want to get pregnant! How often do you reach for a pill when you get muscle aches or a nagging headache? Are they NSAIDs such as ibuprofen that you feel pretty safe to take? NSAIDs are pain relievers that are sold over-the-counter and used by multiple millions. But do you know that NSAIDs have been clearly documented to block progesterone signaling? Healthy progesterone signaling is necessary for healthy ovulation. It’s now been shown that healthy pre-menopausal women who take NSAIDs for only 10 days, at the dosage recommended on [...]

A WARNING: Don’t take NSAIDs during pregnancy!2019-06-28T14:41:26-05:00

Everyday Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Disrupt Vitamin D Levels Plus 5 Tips for Pregnant Moms to Protect Unborn Babies


By Berkson Please share! We live in a chemical soup. Every one thing affects everything else. Is this part of the unity that spirituality discusses? Is this what the philosopher Bucky Fuller meant when he referred to our planet as “spaceship earth”, meaning all we DO and ARE affects all of mother earth and you and I who live on it? New research suggests that our chemical soup lowers blood levels of nutrients. This chemical soup especially reduces blood stream levels of your all-important vitamin D. We live in a blend of over 85,000 manufactured chemicals. Many of these are now [...]

Everyday Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Disrupt Vitamin D Levels Plus 5 Tips for Pregnant Moms to Protect Unborn Babies2019-01-23T07:47:44-06:00

DETOX before Conception to Save Your BABY’s BRAIN


Exposure 80% of what exposures moms have had in their body by a life time of accumulation, not just on the job but through air, water and food (heavy metals to plastics & persistent organic pollutants) drain from mom, to babe, through breast feeding. These chemicals are being linked to causing issues in your child’s health, especially attention problems from autism and ADHD to Aspergers syndrome. The mother of the future will detox before getting pregnant. End of story… to have better beginnings of stories. There is no other way out of protecting our child’s brains and the next generations. Here is [...]

DETOX before Conception to Save Your BABY’s BRAIN2019-06-28T14:41:50-05:00

Regular Use of Acetaminophen in Pregnancy May Lower Testosterone in Unborn Boys


More evidence for fetal origin of adult diseases. Testosterone is not just about sexy stuff, but also protects brain, heart, and more. Prolonged acetaminophen (paracetamol) use by pregnant women may reduce testosterone production in unborn baby boys, research has found. Researchers say their findings could help to explain reported links between acetaminophen use in pregnancy and reproductive health problems in young boys. "Prolonged exposure to acetaminophen reduces testosterone production by the human fetal testis in a xenograft model". Science Translational Medicine, 2015; 7 (288): 288ra80 DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaa4097

Regular Use of Acetaminophen in Pregnancy May Lower Testosterone in Unborn Boys2019-02-18T12:21:30-06:00
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