Berkson’s Blogs

New meds to mimic exercise?


Don’t need to get off the couch, just pop a pill? Title of one report of this article reads: Exercise in a bottle could become a reality. This research comes form the University of Sydney. They discovered the first blue print of 1000 molecules that are your body’s reaction to exercise. Now they are looking for meds to turn these molecules on. Modern medicine is all about patent meds. If a natural supplement can do an equal or better job with less adverse issues, you will probably not hear about. Until it becomes a drug. Or is tagged on to a [...]

New meds to mimic exercise?2019-02-04T12:50:58-06:00

Chemical Risk in Environment Contributes To Obesity and Diabetes


Your blood sugar levels rising? Your weight coming on and hard to get off? It may be more than what you eat. It may be the chemicals you are exposed to. I wrote about these links in Hormone Deception 20 years ago and in a consensus paper by the WHO organization I was a reader for, we linked endocrine disruptor pollutants to diabetes. Decades ago we said organic is better and we were called idiots. We said endocrine disrupting chemicals were threatening our global health and our children's brains and bellies and we were called radicals. We linked nutritional deficiencies to physical [...]

Chemical Risk in Environment Contributes To Obesity and Diabetes2018-10-24T18:51:45-05:00

Wine Whine and Endocrine Disruptors? by Berkson


Many California and other state wines found to contain arsenic. Arsenic is an endocrine disruptor of the insulin receptor, contributing to insulin resistance. In this study on 65 US wines, Washington wines had the highest level of arsenic and Oregon had the lowest. This is an issue only if you drink wine regularly, but these days, that covers a lot of folks. I was a reader on a WHO paper on the new causes of the diabetes epidemic and we had a whole section on heavy metals, especially arsenic. It tends not to bioaccumulate in tissues, but daily exposure is a [...]

Wine Whine and Endocrine Disruptors? by Berkson2019-02-05T12:27:16-06:00

Do Not Take Bone Builder Meds and Acid Blockers At The Same Time


Are you on bone builders? Plus acid blockers (PPIs - proton pump inhibitors)? There is evidence for an association between PPI use along with acid blockers, that this combo can be especially bone damaging and significantly increase your risk of fractures. This means if your bones are thin, so you are on meds for that, AND if you are ALSO on acid blocker meds, you are at increased RISK of breaking the very bones you are trying to protect. This is the exact opposite of what you are trying to do by taking, supposedly, bone building medications. (Welcome to my world) [...]

Do Not Take Bone Builder Meds and Acid Blockers At The Same Time2020-02-25T13:08:26-06:00

The mother of our health is our gut


UCLA researchers had already taken fruit flies, as their life spans are a short 8 weeks but age equivalent to human seniors and showed that days before  they die their gut linings become more “leaky”. In a later study, they found that bacterial changes in the microbiome of the gut preceded the gut-increased permeability (leakiness or holes between epithelium). They were able to tweak the gut bacteria, reduce leaky changes, and even in older flies, prolong their life span. "Age-onset decline is very tightly linked to changes within the community of gut microbes," said David Walker, a UCLA professor of integrative [...]

The mother of our health is our gut2019-02-13T11:05:49-06:00



Glaucoma Glaucoma is a serious disease of the optic nerve. Optic nerves are actually an extension of the brain inside the eyes. Normal optic nerves, not diseased with glaucoma, can with stand ups and downs of internal eye pressure (intraocular pressure IOP). But those with this disease, their nerves can't handle the normal ups and downs of pressure. Fibers die. Vision is lost. All ophthalmologists can do is try to lower pressure through drops and surgery. Too often this does not stop the nerve damage and sight lost. But the questions have always been: why are these nerves so sensitive to [...]


The New Old By Devaki Lindsey Berkson


We all want to live longer and younger, but none of us wants to age. If you’re the one aging, move over, no one seems to want you. I’m in my 60’s. I didn’t realize how many examples of “age racism” and “the new old” I could and would bump into in just 24 hours. Mark drove us to midtown Austin. We just got the patent on our drug to treat difficult to heal wounds. We work with Dr. Jack Moncrief. Dr. Moncrief is honored as one of the seven men who have made kidney medicine what it is today. He [...]

The New Old By Devaki Lindsey Berkson2019-02-13T11:12:30-06:00

Soy Misunderstood—New Appreciation of Soy As Protection Against Endocrine Disruptors; especially relating to fertility and IVF


Soy is unrightfully dissed a lot. One of the liveliest debates I ever had on my radio show in Austin when it was on, was with Dr. David Brownstein. He is a great friend, but he is against soy, I am not. I have a whole chapter in Safe Hormones, Smart Women called, To Soy Or Not To Soy and the basic answer is, for me, bring the soy on. It is a huge protector against hormone driven cancers, especially breast and uterine. BUT is has to be whole food or fermented and not in soy isolates or pills or separate isoflavones [...]

Soy Misunderstood—New Appreciation of Soy As Protection Against Endocrine Disruptors; especially relating to fertility and IVF2019-02-14T13:59:16-06:00



CHARACTER CHARACTER(the moral fiber of who we are), research is saying, is not very malleable. What you see is what you get in mates & co-workers. Change can happen, but often success is slow if not minimal. Want your boss or mate to be more empathetic or kind or connecting or honest? Pretty much folks are who they are over many situations. If they are one particular way with you, they are most likely that way with others. If they did that to their last relationship, they will probably do that with you. It is not set in stone. Change can happen. But most often not. [...]


Add More Years To Your Life With 10-Easy New Habits


Moving keeps you living younger longer. I write books so this is challenging for me, too. I can’t think at my stand-up workstations like I can sitting on my bootie. But moving keeps you going; actually, new research proves it keeps you living longer and dying less prematurely. Minutes of moving, adds on years! Most people, as they age, move less. Today, even younger men and women in their 20’s and 30’s, can be velcroed to their chairs, computers and work stations. New amazing study! 3,000 people (50 to 79-years old) had activity trackers put on them (called “accelerometers” – sounds Star [...]

Add More Years To Your Life With 10-Easy New Habits2019-04-01T19:35:24-05:00
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