
JJ Virgin “Warrior Mom Heals Head Trauma” (#102)


      This is a perfect Mother’s Day podcast. This show is about a “never-giving-up mom on rhoids”—JJ Virgin. JJ Virgin’s son was in a serious accident and endured an extremely severe head trauma. Her son Grant was literally fighting for his life. The doctors declared that there was hardly any chance of surviving let alone him ever being “normal” again. JJ did not give-up. She dug deep and in this riveting interview you hear how she did that. JJ describes how she creates hope inside herself, when there doesn’t seem to be any. You will hear the exact nutraceuticals [...]

JJ Virgin “Warrior Mom Heals Head Trauma” (#102)2019-06-28T14:41:03-05:00

Dr. Norm Shealy. Neurosurgery, Energy Medicine, Nutrition, Hormones and Spirituality (#101)


    Today’s show is more outside of “traditional” science than usual, but it is an area where more and more research is being done.  Neurosurgeon Dr. Norm Shealy takes this episode from the beginning of classical methods of treating pain, depression, and diseases to atypical but contemporized methods that include energy medicine, nutrition, hormones and even mysticism! When Dr. Shealy first graduated Duke University School of Medicine, pain management was entirely surgical. If you had back pain you got surgery. However surgery only reduced back pain about 10% of the time. If it failed and you had more pain after the [...]

Dr. Norm Shealy. Neurosurgery, Energy Medicine, Nutrition, Hormones and Spirituality (#101)2020-01-03T01:09:26-06:00

Gender Differences in Medicine (#100)


    In today's show, Sellma Vllasi, NP and Dr. Berkson explore the some gender differences in medicine including:  - Which diseases women and men get more often and why. - Why women are more prone to auto-immune diseases. - Biases in treatment. - Biases in insurance reimbursement. - The conundrum of birth control with the burden on the woman, especially the fall-out of adverse side-effects of oral contraceptives. Sellma Vllasi, NP works at the Wiseman Family Practice Clinic which specializes in functional medicine and natural answers for health problems. It is one of the top bioidentical hormone clinics in Austin, Texas. [...]

Gender Differences in Medicine (#100)2019-06-28T14:41:04-05:00

Back Pain, New Therapies. Dr. Warren J. Bleiweiss, MD (#99)


  Some people say no pain no gain but is that true for severe physical pain? Why be in horrific physical pain if healthy natural answers exist to set you free? Surgery options? Many fusions cause downstream pain and dysfunction issues. The fused area looses motion, which, within months or years after surgery, puts increased movement demands on the joints areas above and below to pick up some of the motion slack. Pain? If you develop severe back or leg pain after a back surgery, this often signals a serious long-term hard-to-treat scenario. It is clear that, faster, safer and easier [...]

Back Pain, New Therapies. Dr. Warren J. Bleiweiss, MD (#99)2019-06-28T14:41:04-05:00

Death by Regulation with Dr. Mary Ruwart (#98)


            Most Americans think that FDA regulations protect them from harm. Sadly, this is rarely, if ever the case. In this episode Dr. Mary Ruwart explains that more FDA regulation has actually caused more expensive drugs and an increase in premature deaths. Our FDA regulation system is set up to keep drugs at higher costs while preventing citizens from learning about safer, natural answers. How did this happen? Dr. Ruwart shares exactly how the 1962 Amendments to the Food & Drug Act, which were supposed to protect us from harm, have done the opposite. You'll learn how the [...]

Death by Regulation with Dr. Mary Ruwart (#98)2019-06-28T14:41:05-05:00

Probiotics: Facts and Fiction With A Microbiologist (#97)


  In this show you will hear probiotic myths explored and busted. You will discover the “mucosal system” and what this has to do with protecting your health. Kiran and Dr. Berkson discuss probiotics facts and fiction: Differences between “live” and “dead” probiotics. What are “spores”, Do you need to refrigerate probiotics? What are “gut model studies” and why are they critical? How esophageal reflux is linked to downstream intestinal gases from pathogenic overgrowth What you should expect from a great probiotic You learn that bacterial translocation (leaky gut) occurs in most of us after most meals but in a very [...]

Probiotics: Facts and Fiction With A Microbiologist (#97)2020-02-20T14:48:41-06:00

Is Venus Worth Less Than Mars in Medicine? (#96)


    How might women get a bad rap in medicine and what you might do about it? What role does gender bias play in medicine? Dr. Berkson and Sellma Vllasi, FNP-C, practiced in the same family medicine clinic for 6 years and still share many patients. Vllasi is an integrative and functional medicine nurse practitioner, team leader of the Wiseman Family Practice (in charge of provider education) and previously was a labor and delivery nurse for eight years. Today’s show explores: Gender bias and differences in medicine (from diagnosis to treatment and insurance reimbursement) Gender differences in provider’s perceptions Women [...]

Is Venus Worth Less Than Mars in Medicine? (#96)2019-06-28T14:41:06-05:00

Love, Your Brain, and Life (#95)


    Romantic love—we can’t live with it and we can’t live without it. As humans we are very open both to great love and to great sorrow. We are built for monogamous love as well as for cheating. How we straddle the enormous divide between the drive to mate and the drive for independence varies with each of us, influenced by societal norms and even public health issues, like the hormone-altering-chemicals found in plastics and heavy metals. Is the drive to love so deeply wired that it’s safe from outside toxicities, or might environmental pollution be changing our brains and [...]

Love, Your Brain, and Life (#95)2022-02-14T18:58:21-06:00

Guns & Anger. Is hormone disruption part of America’s problem? (#94)


  Berkson tackles the rise of anger and violence in America: the debates, the second amendment controversies, the consensus, why we haven’t heard from the CDC and the surgeon general, and what might junk food and ‘hormone altering chemicals' have to do with it? This is a riveting and heartfelt dialogue that needs to be heard, pondered and shared.   Related Resources There is also a blog on Guns, Anger & Hormone Disruption with the scientific citations. Read it here. No Time for Mindfulness? How to Fit it in. Go to SexyBrainSystem.com for free gifts and Dr. Berkson’s latest book on brain health [...]

Guns & Anger. Is hormone disruption part of America’s problem? (#94)2019-06-28T14:41:07-05:00

Dr. David Perlmutter MD (#93)


    Dr. Perlmutter is a Board-Certified Neurologist and four-time New York Times bestselling author. He serves as a medical advisor for The Dr. Oz Show and is known as the leading integrative medical neurologist in North America today. Dr. Perlmutter fully “integrates” conventional, nutritional and environmental medicines. As a teacher and clinician, Dr. Perlmutter morphed physician and patients perspective, to go from regarding neurological degeneration, instead, as… neural regeneration. On this show Dr. Perlmutter defines functional neurology and discusses why he went down this “rogue” route. Dr. Perlmutter and Dr. B. discuss why functional approaches require multiple interventions, doing away [...]

Dr. David Perlmutter MD (#93)2020-02-20T14:49:02-06:00
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