Berkson’s Blogs

One of my favorite times of day is sitting with my cup of Joe and looking over the science and pondering a blog and writing it. For me it’s a lot of fun wordsmithing together my life knowledge with what’s new. Having been in functional medicine, nutrition and practice now, yikes, for almost 43 years, I have a perspective that has, what we would say about a wine, ‘legs’.

Enjoy! Let me know what you think [email protected]

Clean Labels Project – My Opinion


The following is not shocking news, it is old news, but what are YOU doing about it? The Study: The Clean Label Project, a nonprofit advocating for transparent labeling, tested baby food, infant formulas, toddler drinks and snacks purchased within the past 5 months. The group, which did not publish findings in a peer-reviewed journal, looked at top-selling formulas and baby food using Nielsen data, and also included emerging national brands. After about 530 baby food products were tested, researchers found 65% of products tested positive for arsenic, 36% for lead, 58% for cadmium and 10% for acrylamide. All of these [...]

Clean Labels Project – My Opinion2019-10-18T10:06:41-05:00

Stuff Happens – Berkson Blogette (#4)


Accidents happen, things wear down and break. To fix things we need the proper tools to get the job done. For most, growing older may mean more breakdowns, more going "wrong" with our health and sometimes broken stuff. The more tools you have in your 'tool box' means faster & better fixes to achieve "younger longer". I am no spring chicken. Plenty of stuff happens. In the past few months I have painted my 506-foot garage and hurt my thumb, I re-injured my back and just recently I hurt my toe (the jury is still out on if it is actually [...]

Stuff Happens – Berkson Blogette (#4)2019-10-09T08:21:45-05:00

Beware of Antibacterial Mouth Wash – Berkson Blogette (#3)


You Might Want to Ditch the Mouth Wash. University of Plymouth scientists have shown that the blood pressure-lowering effect of exercise is significantly reduced (cancelled out) when people rinse their mouths with antibacterial mouthwash!!!!! Compared to rinsing with water. YIKES. This screams out loud about the critical importance of oral bacteria in cardiovascular health!!!!! Oral mouth wash doesn't only rinse out the bad, it rinses out the GOOD bacteria, that help protect your heart. This study showed that the blood pressure-lowering effect of exercise was diminished by more than 60% over the 1st hour of recovery, and TOTALLY abolished 2 hours [...]

Beware of Antibacterial Mouth Wash – Berkson Blogette (#3)2019-09-06T08:50:27-05:00

Why It is Critical to Identify and then Eradicate Stomach Bugs – Berkson Blogette (#2)


H. pylori We used to think that most ulcers were causes by excess acid or stress. Now we know many ulcers (not all) are caused by an infection of a bug that loves to live inside an unhealthy stomach. This bug is called H. pylori. We think there are other ulcer causes, like daily aspirin intake (not good like docs thoughts), other bugs still being identified, and life style issues such as excess alcohol and processed foods. What's the big deal? The deal is that an infection with H. pylori increases your risk of cancer, in the stomach but also diverse [...]

Why It is Critical to Identify and then Eradicate Stomach Bugs – Berkson Blogette (#2)2019-09-02T19:51:01-05:00

Gluten: New Test on the Horizon – Berkson Blogette (#1)


There is a a new blood gluten test on the horizon. Distinct markers in the blood of people with celiac disease (autoimmune reaction to eating gluten proteins found in wheat, rye, barley and some oats) have been detected within a few hours of gluten being consumed. The findings explain what drives the adverse reaction to gluten in celiac disease and could lead to a world-first blood test for diagnosing the disease. Did you know that currently, if tested, you have to consume a lot of gluten regularly (weeks and even months) for the testing to be accurate? This potential new blood-based [...]

Gluten: New Test on the Horizon – Berkson Blogette (#1)2019-09-02T14:33:49-05:00

Pomegranates, Cholesterol, Hormones & Cancer


Pomegranates are as close to a miracle food as Mother Nature gets. Pomegranates protect your heart, safeguard your estrogens, “sensitize” insulin receptors better than many diabetic drugs without nasty side effects, slow down aging, and fight cancer. A pomegranate a day keeps the Mack truck of disease away! My grandmother often said, in her very thick Russian accent, “If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is too good to be true.” This does not seem to be the case with these juicy purple fruits and kernels (arils).   Pomegranates fight against lots of bad stuff.  Anti-inflammatory Anti-oxidant Anti-bad [...]

Pomegranates, Cholesterol, Hormones & Cancer2019-06-28T14:40:44-05:00

Earlier Menopause Happening To Modern Women


Messing with reproductive milestones is huge. It's really messing with mother nature. In a big bad way. So when little girls start developing breast buds at 6 months old like reported by reproductive endocrinologists in Puerto Rico, this is not good. Or when so many more young women go into peri-menopause earlier, which they now do months to 15 years earlier, this threatens the family lineage as well as the woman's personal health. But when a woman enters menopause earlier this is like an eclipse of the hormonal sun. Her whole health is under siege prematurely including her brain, bones, heart [...]

Earlier Menopause Happening To Modern Women2019-06-28T14:40:46-05:00

Is Your Daughter At Risk of Earlier Puberty and Later Breast Cancer? Reproductive Milestones (and Hormones) Are Under Assault


Mother Nature hard-wired humanity with specific milestones of reproduction. This means that for millennia the entire human race has had very specific times during specific years when women can start making babies or stop making babies. Hormones flourish and initiate or diminish and halt. This has been the hormonal dance throughout the ages. Reproductive milestones are humanity’s rhythms that have far reaching effects on entire life spans. Yet the timing of these milestones is under attack by our dirty planet and food. “Time shifting” of reproductive milestones is threatening the health and survival of the human race. Modern humans have been [...]

Is Your Daughter At Risk of Earlier Puberty and Later Breast Cancer? Reproductive Milestones (and Hormones) Are Under Assault2019-06-28T14:40:48-05:00

New Ways To Sleep Better – Especially After 40


There are two planets, one where you get a great night’s sleep and feel phenomenal the next day. And a second where you can’t get a good night’s sleep, and your tomorrow feels like trudging through molasses. In modern life, it’s easier to end up on planet number two. Healthy sleep is under continual attack, and threats against achieving a restorative night’s sleep keep mounting. Today’s sleep gets mugged in many ways: By chronic daily stressors, like tending aging parents or having kids who announce they want to change their genders, or from single severe traumas—such as tornadoes and wildfires to [...]

New Ways To Sleep Better – Especially After 402019-06-28T14:41:27-05:00

Want to be a “Game Changer” and win at life? Dr. Berkson’s Interview with Bulletproof’s AMAZING Dave Asprey!


I love Dave Asprey. So does much of the world. We always wait in anticipation of his newest book. A few weeks ago Dave wrote me that he referenced my work and our podcast together in Game Changers: What Leaders & Mavericks Do to Win at Life. He wanted to know if I would pass on this, his latest greatest book, with you, my tribe? So, Dave and I got together for quick chat. Here is our interview on how to make the changes in your life you long to make, in this New Year! Enjoy!   Why did you write [...]

Want to be a “Game Changer” and win at life? Dr. Berkson’s Interview with Bulletproof’s AMAZING Dave Asprey!2019-02-06T12:45:07-06:00
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