Berkson’s Blogs

OXYTOCIN The New Hormonal Kid On The Clinical Block


Modern Dilemma. In America today, marital relationships and personal moods seem pretty hard to hold together. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Studies say 20 to 72% of husbands commit adultery and 10 to 54% of wives do likewise . Try as we may to achieve happy relationships, many fail. Moods are murky. Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults and cost one-third of all monies spent on mental health. The National Center for Health Statistics shows that one in ten Americans (and one out of four women in their 40s and 50s) take antidepressants. What if there was a safe [...]

OXYTOCIN The New Hormonal Kid On The Clinical Block2019-06-28T14:41:48-05:00

4 Steps To Protect Against Early Colon Cancer by Berkson


Cancer in the colon or rectum (colorectal cancer) is the 3rd leading cause of cancer-related deaths. It’s happening in younger people. It used to occur more in seniors. So it was recommended to start colonoscopy screenings at age 50. But more people are getting more colorectal cancers at younger ages. And, sadly and shockingly, colonoscopies are not the complete detection imaging method that we might have thought (this does not mean you should not get them). Many people and doctors do not realize that this. Colonoscopies detect growths called polyps. Polyps are pedunculated. This means they “hang” down on a stem. [...]

4 Steps To Protect Against Early Colon Cancer by Berkson2018-08-23T12:24:35-05:00

Meditation makes us less reactive and more successful in life, in relationships with others and ourselves, and promotes a happier pair of sunglasses through which to see the world. By Berkson


Researchers proved that sitting quietly helps us keep our heads together even when life is messy. They then went to the Dalai Lama and shared their contemplative neuroscience findings. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2012 Other research has shown that part of the benefits of meditation come from it releasing more oxytocin into your brains, both in your head and in your gut, via the Vagus nerve. That is why so many of my patients are being benefited by oxytocin nasal spray, which I refer to, while smiling, as meditation up your nose. Townsend Letter 2.16 If your mate won’t sit down, [...]

Meditation makes us less reactive and more successful in life, in relationships with others and ourselves, and promotes a happier pair of sunglasses through which to see the world. By Berkson2019-02-04T11:38:31-06:00

Plastics in your make up and nail polish? By Berkson


Higher blood  levels of a plasticizer, called phthalates, have been linked  with women going through menopause two to 15 years earlier, which puts them at risk of all kinds of health woes from heart disease and diabetes to plain not feeling good or enjoying sex. Phthalates are found in many cosmetics, especially perfumes and nail polish. I went into a major cosmetic store the other day and requested to see some phthalate free perfume and they didn’t have any. But they guided me to their online catalogue, which did. I also use essential oils but sometimes I want some other scents. [...]

Plastics in your make up and nail polish? By Berkson2019-02-14T13:36:22-06:00

Can kids smoking pot go to pot? By Berkson


Fifty-nine cases have been documented of cannabis-related strokes, in folks averaging 33 years of age, occurring while smoking or within a half-hour of smoking. Cannabis smoking has also been linked to increasing the risk of heart attack within a short period of time after smoking. Stroke 2012 Other studies have suggested that the nutrient N-acetylcystiene helps teenagers reduce their desire to smoke pot, even without intense counseling. Get smart; use nutraceuticals along with sensible guidance.

Can kids smoking pot go to pot? By Berkson2018-08-23T13:44:42-05:00

FOOD PORN! Worst fast foods at fast food restaurants! By Berkson


Executive Director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest says many fast food chains base their profits on increasing your waist size, not your health. Worst winners: Cheesecake Factory’s Bistro Shrimp Pasta (almost 90 grams of saturated fat and over 1000 calories), Johnny Rocket’s Bacon Cheddar Double Hamburger (1770 calories with over 2300 mg of sodium), Cheesecake Factory’s Crispy Chicken Costolett (entire 12-piece bucket of KFC has same calories but half the fat), Smoothie King’s Peanut Power Plus Grape Smoothie (22 tsps. of added sugar), and Chocolate Zuccotto Cake from Maggiano’s Little Italy (one-pound desert with 26 tsps. sugar). [...]

FOOD PORN! Worst fast foods at fast food restaurants! By Berkson2018-11-16T16:24:29-06:00

Consciousness by Devaki Lindsey Berkson


Consciousness, is easier said than done. The more conscious we are, life is deepened. But also, it then can get more complex, even more painful, as we are more aware. A study just the other day said one of the things LSD did for the brain was open up consciousness, in a way the brains of children are open and undefended but have more of a merge quality with all that surrounds them. Seeking, intending, embracing consciousness is not the same as being successful in marketing or convincing the world you are an expert, even in integrative health. Consciousness is a [...]

Consciousness by Devaki Lindsey Berkson2018-08-23T14:04:34-05:00

Recipe Brown Rice Flax Pasta with Browned Zucchini and Garlic By Berkson


Anti-cancer, hormone balancing, gut rejuvenating dish Ingredients: Box of Hodgson Mill Angel Hair brown rice pasta with golden milled Flax Seed. (you can probably use any pasta but I love this dish with brown rice/flaxseed pasta). Flaxseeds. Flaxseeds boost the production of the final non-estrogenic metabolite of estrogen—2-MEO—that fights many cancers in both men and women, especially breast, prostate and colon. It helps prevent cancer and fight recurrence. Flaxseeds have the highest lignin content of any other food that helps flush excess toxins and hormones out of out intestinal tract as part of the cleansing part of healthy hormones. They are [...]

Recipe Brown Rice Flax Pasta with Browned Zucchini and Garlic By Berkson2019-04-03T10:10:22-05:00

The Birthday Gift of Resilience and Brain Plasticity By Berkson


FITNESS is not only about VANITY but RESILIENCE. And BRAIN PLASTICITY. I am writing this based on a comment my dear neighbor said when I gave her a special birthday gift. A homemade coupon good for a fitness session with me at the gym. This weekend she “cashed” in. She has, like we all do, some special body stuff, so it was a time for me to help her see how she might use the machines to her advantage while avoiding her disadvantages. I like to give experiences, not just “stuff” (though her birthday bag did have some phthalate free vanilla [...]

The Birthday Gift of Resilience and Brain Plasticity By Berkson2019-04-03T10:10:40-05:00

Daily Gratitude by Berkson


I am so grateful to BE because of: nutrition discipline dancing friends community purpose driven life hope based on hard knocks survived & thrived the gym the water the earth gratitude my failures faced my fears made friends with & invited in for tea fermented foods & friends to make them with sprouts especially gifted by my family of choice the Wiseman clinic clan my mentor meet ups my children which are my books my tears my successes the spaces between the doingness the sky my best friend Janet  

Daily Gratitude by Berkson2019-01-30T12:21:20-06:00
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