Just diagnosed with cancer?  Or inflammatory disease?

Just diagnosed with cancer?  Or inflammatory disease?

One of the 1st things you can consider with your integrative practitioner is low-dose naltrexone. It's a super T-cell booster. Helps boost your natural immune system. I am not aware of contraindications, but never say never. When you first start to take it, it can disrupt your sleep for about a week, and then stops. This does not happen in all folks. Google low dose naltrexone, LDN. You can’t take dairy 2 hours before it, it is taken before bed, and it helps with diverse conditions. I have all my inflammatory patients, such as MS or inflammatory bowel diseases like Ulcerative [...]

Just diagnosed with cancer?  Or inflammatory disease?2019-02-01T13:34:51-06:00

Yoga in Jails Helps Bad Dads Be More Good Dads by Berkson

Yoga study on 14 groups of male inmates over 3 years, showed that yoga classes help reduce child abuse and make these guys better dads. I remember when I began studying yoga after the Beetles came back from India hanging with the Maharishi, we were called nuts and losers. Most people assumed if you did yoga, you did drugs. They assumed if you ate nuts and berries, you did drugs and made love with swingers. But it has all come to pass. This program, called "Fit Fathers, Successful Families, Inside and Out”, shows that the body, mind and spirit are designed [...]

Yoga in Jails Helps Bad Dads Be More Good Dads by Berkson2019-02-05T11:52:08-06:00

Loving Your Life is No Small Feat But Worth It

I Love Life I woke up this morning realizing how much I love my life. Health, neighbors, amazing friends and colleagues, research and connecting-the-dots, helping patients (incredible people I get to meet), my gym on the Lake, morning coffee, my favorite chair, the new paint on the house, having been around so long I get to connect the-dots-of my own life. Robust health. I'm lucky, now. But it's been a long journey. I had to fight and over come many illnesses and challenges in the past. That drug given to my mother while pregnant with me caused many serious health issues in [...]

Loving Your Life is No Small Feat But Worth It2019-02-04T11:20:41-06:00

Happiness And Death

UNHAPPINESS and STRESS do not directly shorten life. This was found in this new study on ONE MILLION women published in the Lancet, Dec. 10, 2015. It was also found in the famous Longevity Study out of the University of California at Irvine, the longest study ever run on humans—1500 people starting from 7-8 years of life and following their lives all the way through to the end – 10 million data pieces of info! The best indicators of health, it turns out, are putting one foot in front of the other and working hard and being 'seen' for it, this [...]

Happiness And Death2019-01-30T13:39:07-06:00

Parsley and Sophisticated Brains

Sophisticated Brains Since "higher" consciousness seems to come from the ability to have broader, healthier brain connections, here is one of my favorite spices that boosts BOTH brain connectivity and integration. Parsley and its main flavonoid: apigenin. Apigenin promotes integration and connection between multiple brain cells. And it's found in this herb you can use in salads, cooking and smoothies. By the way parsley’s flavonoid also balances and protects hormone metabolism. (Why I have been recommending a special parsley green drink for years to appropriate patients.) Apigenin boosts strong brains. It strengthens memory, learning and focus. It promotes more sophisticatedly brain [...]

Parsley and Sophisticated Brains2019-02-14T13:44:03-06:00

The Bigger Picture And LSD

Wisdom seems to occur in people that have the rare (or most likely hard fought for and earned) PERSPECTIVE of THE BIGGER PICTURE (and act upon on it—what a concept). Seeing less compartmentalized and more how "it all" fits together. That's how LSD works. It heightens consciousness. At least that's what the scientists from the American College of Neuropsychpharmacology are now saying. Though I remember a number of psychologists saying that in the 60's. Functional MRI scans and magnetoencephalography show that LSD reduces the extent to which separate networks remain distinct in their patterns of firing and makes the brain more [...]

The Bigger Picture And LSD2019-02-13T11:34:32-06:00

The Womb Under Siege and What This Means for Your Child’s Brain

All over the world mother’s are bemoaning, “What is happening to my child’s brain?” Kids have more autism spectrum disorders, shorter attention, shorter tempers and more illness. It is not just due to TV, movies and electronic equipment. It has much to do with what we have always regarded as our most pristine environment, the womb. Up till the last few years we have thought this was the last safe bastion. Now we see that it too, is under siege. And thus, our children’s brains. (And our thyroid glands). When I was a distinguished estrogen scholar at Tulane we called this [...]

The Womb Under Siege and What This Means for Your Child’s Brain2019-02-13T10:45:46-06:00

Oxytocin protects muscles

Oxytocin Oxytocin is not just a pregnancy hormone. We have oxytocin receptors throughout our biological real estate. And when oxytocin signals these receptors, a variety of healthy actions take place. One of them is muscle protection. Where do we get oxytocin? Pregnant moms make it for various supportive actions related to birth. But both men and women secret oxytocin throughout adult life, especially while lovemaking. This is one of Nature’s gifts for a man and woman making love. In return, Mother Nature protects muscle integrity.  (Lovemaking also protects the brain but that’s another story). Use It or Loose It Like all [...]

Oxytocin protects muscles2019-02-14T13:39:25-06:00


True grief has to be shared, to be processed. Yet it is solo. It is narcissistic in that it must take it's own time and focus on itself, to move along and not get Velcroed. True grief does not ask for others to come and help. That takes energy that grief is already swallowing whole. Grief is in layers. Body, mind and spirit. And from out to in, and in to out again. Grief is like the ocean. In waves it hits. Some big. Some small. Some drown the village. Grief eventually recedes a bit more and more, to let a [...]


The cleaner and greener your home, the healthier you and your kids

We are not just what we digest. But also a product of where we live. Harvard School of Public Health has a study that shows: Low-income housing residents who live in 'green' buildings that are built with eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient features appear to have fewer 'sick building' symptoms than residents of traditionally constructed low-income housing, according to a new study. Asthma outcomes -- hospitalizations, attacks, and missed school days due to asthma -- were also significantly lower for children living in the green buildings. What you can do to be greener and healthier? Water filters. Especially in shower as we [...]

The cleaner and greener your home, the healthier you and your kids2019-02-13T11:54:53-06:00
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