Knee ergonomics (simple knee fix) by Berkson

Knee ergonomics (simple knee fix) by Berkson

Six months ago, my left knee developed severe enough pain for me to walk around with a hobble. I work out regularly, eat pretty well, stretch a lot, and usually live a life free of aches and pain. So this was a surprise. And it wasn’t going away. I don’t like my regular gym work out at Pure Austin on Quarry Lake to be hampered. It’s a major way I care take body, mind and spirit. So I went to my go-to-doc, Dr. David Harris, a physiatrist medical doctor at Charm Rejuvenative Medicine. When Dr. Harris ultra sounded my knee he [...]

Knee ergonomics (simple knee fix) by Berkson2019-02-01T13:46:00-06:00

4 Steps To Protect Your Kid’s Wnt Genes And Why You Want To by Berkson

Cancer in the colon or rectum (colorectal cancer) is the 3rd leading cause of cancer-related deaths. It’s happening in younger people. It used to occur more in seniors. So it was recommended to start colonoscopy screenings at age 50. But more people are getting more colorectal cancers at younger ages. And, sadly and shockingly, colonoscopies are not the complete detection imaging method that we might have thought (this does not mean you should not get them). Many people and doctors do not realize that this. Colonoscopies detect growths called polyps. Polyps are pedunculated. This means they “hang” down on a stem. [...]

4 Steps To Protect Your Kid’s Wnt Genes And Why You Want To by Berkson2018-08-23T11:11:41-05:00

24 Steps To Gain Control Over NO FAIR FAT by Berkson

You might wonder why it is so difficult for so many to loose weight, but it is. It’s a growing problem. When I worked in Tulsa with my mentor, Dr. Block an integrative internist, I asked him. “What is the most severe but common problem folks complain of that's really hard to fix?" Dr. Block answered without a hitch, "resistant weight'. Why? One answer is our environment. It’s game rules have changed. The outside signals are hijacking our inside signals and that has created cellular pandemonium. Our environment, throughout the globe, is filled with obesogens. These include anti-thyroid, anti-insulinogenic and pro-estrogenic [...]

24 Steps To Gain Control Over NO FAIR FAT by Berkson2019-04-03T10:09:14-05:00

Resistant BELLY FAT by Berkson

Resistant belly fat comes from as much of too LOW or flat lined cortisol levels (tested by 4 or 5 pt saliva testing), as much as too HIGH of cortisol levels. In other words, HPA axis and adrenal dysregulation, oversee visceral as well as subcutaneous fat. The fat in turn feeds back in a feed back cross talk loop manner, inflammatory cytokines (nasty molecules) that further damage HPA axis and adrenal health. It's a cycle that is difficult to break out of unless you work with a medical nutritionist or in the know practitioner. ‎Migraines‬ in ‎kids‬ are linked to nutrient [...]

Resistant BELLY FAT by Berkson2019-02-18T12:22:18-06:00

Walnut Pate’ For Cancer and Brain Protection by Berkson

Walnuts are a magically food. They contain ellagic acid. Ellagic acid promotes a healthy and diverse microbiome (good gut bugs). Ellagic acid also is gut wall protective. It promotes appropriate gut wall permeability. Thus, ellagic acid is an immune booster because most of our immune system lives inside the gut wall and performs its job descriptions by constant cross-talk with our gut bugs. Thus ellagic acid, and eating walnuts, helps treat food reactivities as well as many gut problems. It also helps to prevent them. But it’s especially cancer protective. Walnuts fight cancer. In animal models, walnuts, given as part of [...]

Walnut Pate’ For Cancer and Brain Protection by Berkson2019-02-06T12:42:35-06:00

OXYTOCIN The New Hormonal Kid On The Clinical Block

Modern Dilemma. In America today, marital relationships and personal moods seem pretty hard to hold together. Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. Studies say 20 to 72% of husbands commit adultery and 10 to 54% of wives do likewise . Try as we may to achieve happy relationships, many fail. Moods are murky. Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults and cost one-third of all monies spent on mental health. The National Center for Health Statistics shows that one in ten Americans (and one out of four women in their 40s and 50s) take antidepressants. What if there was a safe [...]

OXYTOCIN The New Hormonal Kid On The Clinical Block2019-06-28T14:41:48-05:00

4 Steps To Protect Against Early Colon Cancer by Berkson

Cancer in the colon or rectum (colorectal cancer) is the 3rd leading cause of cancer-related deaths. It’s happening in younger people. It used to occur more in seniors. So it was recommended to start colonoscopy screenings at age 50. But more people are getting more colorectal cancers at younger ages. And, sadly and shockingly, colonoscopies are not the complete detection imaging method that we might have thought (this does not mean you should not get them). Many people and doctors do not realize that this. Colonoscopies detect growths called polyps. Polyps are pedunculated. This means they “hang” down on a stem. [...]

4 Steps To Protect Against Early Colon Cancer by Berkson2018-08-23T12:24:35-05:00

6 Steps to Reducing Your Families Pollution & Risk of Disease by Devaki Lindsey Berkson

Exposure to air pollution can worsen blood sugar levels, cholesterol and other risk factors for heart disease, particularly in people with diabetes, according to the Endocrine Society. What we inhale affects our global health. Especially in kids and seniors, which are two more vulnerable populations. So since our planet and communities are more globally toxic, what steps can YOU take to protect YOUR loved ones? 1. Get quality stand-up or furnace-attached air filters like IQ air. (This is not the air filter you change in the ceiling, though those need to be changed every 2 to 3 months especially in high [...]

6 Steps to Reducing Your Families Pollution & Risk of Disease by Devaki Lindsey Berkson2018-08-23T12:25:46-05:00

Are Your Kids in Pharmaceutical Danger?

Recently, I have had many pediatric patients who are already on a long list of meds. In reviewing the meds and their side effects (that the parents didn’t know about), there is an obvious growing trend of more meds causing more problems that are not linked back to the meds, so the child is then given even more meds. Is your child caught in this dangerous medicine cabinet loop? What meds are kids on? Antibiotics. Acid blockers. Antihistamines. HPV vaccines. To name a few. These may be okay for a short term while the root cause of why they are ill [...]

Are Your Kids in Pharmaceutical Danger?2019-06-28T14:41:48-05:00

Meditation makes us less reactive and more successful in life, in relationships with others and ourselves, and promotes a happier pair of sunglasses through which to see the world. By Berkson

Researchers proved that sitting quietly helps us keep our heads together even when life is messy. They then went to the Dalai Lama and shared their contemplative neuroscience findings. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2012 Other research has shown that part of the benefits of meditation come from it releasing more oxytocin into your brains, both in your head and in your gut, via the Vagus nerve. That is why so many of my patients are being benefited by oxytocin nasal spray, which I refer to, while smiling, as meditation up your nose. Townsend Letter 2.16 If your mate won’t sit down, [...]

Meditation makes us less reactive and more successful in life, in relationships with others and ourselves, and promotes a happier pair of sunglasses through which to see the world. By Berkson2019-02-04T11:38:31-06:00
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