
MANopause – Male Hormones After 40 (#112)


  There is a documented epidemic of low testosterone (T) in males, even young males. Insufficient T is not only linked to erectile dysfunction, it is being reproducibly linked to dying prematurely (losing a few years off your life) from diverse causes, referred to as all-cause mortality. Sufficient levels of T, often higher than the lower end of most lab reference ranges, prevents a long list of serious illnesses such as cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and Type-2 Diabetes. One of the first symptoms of insufficient T is low energy. This is because testosterone protects mitochondria, the energy production [...]

MANopause – Male Hormones After 40 (#112)2019-10-02T14:52:14-05:00

Hormones After 50 With Gynecologist Jack Monaco (#111)


    Dr. Jack Monaco is a board certified OB/GYN, anti-aging functional medicine MD along with a masters in nutrition. Dr. Berkson and Dr. Monaco were lecturing together at PCCA, sponsor of symposiums for pharmacists, MDs and NPs. It was a meeting of the minds immediately. This is a must-not miss show that will arm you with knowledge and hormone power. You get “in on” a masterful dialogue on hormones that will answers many of your questions! Dr. Jack is known for downloading complex information rapidly, making it very easy and very entertaining to grasp. As well as making it easy [...]

Hormones After 50 With Gynecologist Jack Monaco (#111)2019-09-06T13:48:04-05:00

Microbiomes, Breast Milk Biomes, Breast Cancer Biomes & Biome Cross-Talk (#110)


  Today’s show explores your microbiomes, difference between breast biomes that "live" in a breast with cancer versus healthy breast tissue, and even how pollution can attack these microbes. You will learn how to "test" and "caretake" your precious biomes. You’ll also learn how Pollution Attacks Your Biomes and what you can do about it.  Inside the human body are nooks and crannies, called biomes, teeming with microbial life that includes viruses, bacteria and fungi.  We have “biomes” throughout our entire body. We have biomes in our eyes (the ocular biome), mouth (oral biome), in our esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon [...]

Microbiomes, Breast Milk Biomes, Breast Cancer Biomes & Biome Cross-Talk (#110)2020-02-20T14:48:11-06:00

Dame Judy Collins on Conquering Food Addiction (#109)


    Grammy winning musician, activist and author Judy Collins shares how she conquered her “food addiction” and maintains a stellar figure and career at age 79! Judy Collins has influenced the world through her music.  If you’re a boomer you might remember Judy’s rendition of  “Both Sides Now” from her album, Wildflowers. That recording resides in the Grammy Hall of Fame. Her version of “Send in the Clowns” also won "Song of the Year” at the Grammies. That was 1975.  Judy is still going strong. She’s almost 80—but move over Jane Fonda—her career is more than robust and totally envious. She travels [...]

Dame Judy Collins on Conquering Food Addiction (#109)2019-06-28T14:41:00-05:00

Insurance Alternatives with Jeff Kanter (#108)


  Unless you're Bill Gates you're just one serious illness away from bankruptcy. The paradox is that the US has the costliest health system in the world, yet it performs so poorly compared to many other countries. In today’s episode, Jeff Kanter and Dr. Berkson delve into this growing health care crisis surrounding health insurance. Health insurance is supposed to protect against possible “future risks” —but today’s systems are not offering all Americans adequate protection. Jeff Kanter is no stranger to politics and concern about regulatory health care and protection of the individual. Mr. Kanter was the campaign manager for Irwin [...]

Insurance Alternatives with Jeff Kanter (#108)2019-06-28T14:41:01-05:00

Secrets & Science to Be Your Healthiest with Dr. Ron Hoffman (#107)


  Dr. Ronald Hoffman is one of New York's pioneering Integrative Medicine practitioners. Dr. Hoffman received his MD from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and has been practicing for 34 years. His radio program, Intelligent Medicine, is the longest-running physician-hosted health program on the air. Dr. Berkson and Dr. Hoffman have been colleagues for the last 30 years. In this show, Dr. Hoffman tackles a variety of issues including: Intermittent fasting How much calcium is good vs. dangerous Why we over use drugs and what to do about avoid excessive use How long can we expect to really stay fit How [...]

Secrets & Science to Be Your Healthiest with Dr. Ron Hoffman (#107)2019-06-28T14:41:01-05:00

Menopause & Estrogen – Ten Issues & Ten Natural Answers (#106)


      There are ten common issues patients identify with menopause:  1. Resistant Weight Gain 2. Insomnia 3. Hot flashes 4. Fatigue 5. Brain mood cognition perception of life 6. Brand new issues including skin problems 7. Gut issues 8. Genitourinary issues – leaking, dryness of vaginal and painful intercourse 9.  Libido 10. Joint pain In this episode, you will learn: What estrogen has to do with fat cell genes, mass and weight loss. Low estrogen + menopause + hormone altering chemicals is a recipe for resistant fat, and what to do about it. Hormones, appetite, weight control and metabolic [...]

Menopause & Estrogen – Ten Issues & Ten Natural Answers (#106)2019-06-28T14:41:01-05:00

Suicide & Pain – Making Sense Out of It (#105)


    This week we heard about two shocking celebrity suicides from people the public dearly loves and who are considered epitomes of American success stories. Add to these the 123 suicides that stunningly occur every day within the United States, and we have to know that something is very wrong with our culture. We prioritize success. Over peace. And tools for peace. Instead, we accustom ourselves and our children  to anger, pain, judgment, medications and law suits. We do not teach in our schools or within our homes what it means to develop tools to be able to be present [...]

Suicide & Pain – Making Sense Out of It (#105)2019-06-28T14:41:01-05:00

Dr. Berkson’s “Bits & Pieces” Patient Tales (#104)


    In this episode Dr. Berkson shares stories of cases in which patients lives were improved and changed by looking at their condition with a new set of functional medicine eyes. You will learn about a rare cause of insomnia, called “nocturnal hypertension.”  You will be amazed that one cause of idiopathic infertility may be subclinical hypothyroidism, even if your TSH thyroid blood test is still within normal range. Did you know that sperm count and shape can “say” a lot about a man’s heath, even his risk for metabolic disease? You will learn about the concept of “hormonal hyper-excreters” [...]

Dr. Berkson’s “Bits & Pieces” Patient Tales (#104)2019-09-06T13:48:24-05:00

Self Compassion & Integrative Psychiatry with Dr. Qazi Javed MD (#103)


    How many of us really know ourselves? What runs us that we don’t realize? Have we worked out our demons and learned not to abandon ourselves? Is our inner gut calm or in a state of secret chronic terror? This interview is a fantastic and incredibly “calming conversation” about the mysteries of finding livable peace in today’s crazy, cacophonous world. Want to feel calm? Want an antidote to stress? This interview between Dr. Berkson and Dr. Javed, is YOUR answer. Dr. Qazi Javed is a double board certified integrative medical physician who got out of school and in his [...]

Self Compassion & Integrative Psychiatry with Dr. Qazi Javed MD (#103)2019-06-28T14:41:03-05:00
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